Yeti GOBOX Collection

Tick bites


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
Curious, hunters that hunt the hunter.

I had a bite in Florida and one crawling on me in Maryland and one in Vermont.
All I used was OFF to spray down .
I carry a bottle with and spray down the area before I sit.
I used one 8oz bottle of this mixed with 1.5 gallons water. All of my hunting outerwear gets immersed & let dry before turkey season & woodcock banding season in the spring. Wash clothes after season & treat again before hunting season in the fall. It can cause skin irritation for some folks if treated clothes come in contact with bare skin. Pretty economical.
Good idea, never tried the live stock version
I've used both the Sawyer's permethrin and the livestock permethrin. IMO, permethrin is a great tick product, I've used it both here and in Africa. One time while fishing I had to go through a fairly thin and small willow bush, looked down and had 8 ticks on my waders and shirt. I wasn't using any tick product at the time and decided to stay in the water as much as possible that day. I hate those little buggers!
This past turkey season I sprayed my clothing down with permethrin. I use Ultrathon on my face, neck and ears. Sure beats spraying down with 40% DEET every morning!
An old time turkey hunter told me several years back to always rub Skin So Soft on yourself and spay your clothes with it before going out into the turkey woods. It has seemed to really keep the ticks off plus you also smell good LOL
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