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Thumper headed out of Africa,


New member
Dec 15, 2000
Aksai, Kazakhstan via Covington Louisiana
Hello all, hope everyones hunting season went well. I posted a note on the accidental saferi i will be taking this week. The post in the africa section gives the details, but who knows what i will leave with.
Glad to stop by and have the B'cat working with me here in luanda. Geting all of the apps for 2009 set up. looks like this will be a great year hunting in both Africa and the States.
I will have to tell you about my christmas present. Finally got the Christensen custom 7 ultra mag and it is a tack driver. headed out in the AM but will update the site when I get back.
th ump er

Have some pictures from Africa. A great Impala, Record Wildebeast and a 53 inch Kudu. Man it was HOT ... Burned some serious boot leather and had an interesting event with some young cape buffs.
Need help with the pictures.
I love the green in the picture of the Kudu. When we were there in June the whole country was brown from Winter. The Green is a nice look that you don't often see in hunting pictures.

Congrats on a nice critter.
I will tell you it was HOT. Man we stalked some heavy thron brush in waste deep grass from 0600 to dark. Got the Impala first around 0900 the Wledebest at mid day and hunted all evening before connecting with the Kudu at dark. Was a blast...
Th'umper, AWESOME 'Possum !!! Looks liek a good hunt. I hear ya on the trophy room thing. I have pleantly of skins/horns I don't know what to do with :D

Looking good. Thanks for the pictures !!
Way to turn a bad situation around, sounds like a hell of a time.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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