throwing good app money after bad and repeat

Assuming you aren't a resident to any western state, if you are just out of college (22-24 yo) and have dreams of shooting a Shiras, Mountain goat and one of the bighorn sheep my advice to you would be to first apply in Idaho in a northern Panhandle unit for a Shiras tag. 10% to 20% odds for some of those bull tags will likely put that tag in your pocket in the next 5-10 years and just plan on dedicating all of your vacation time to make that hunt happen. It won't be an easy hunt but just getting a Shiras tag in your pocket is surely more difficult. I wouldn't bother spending money anywhere else on moose and put that saved app money into goat/sheep. This assumes you would be happy hunting Shiras just once.

For goat and sheep, you should be just applying for any state that offers completely random chance tags as well as raffle tags. Some of the raffles have much better odds of drawing a tag/cost than a lot of state draws now - especially those states with applicants having bonus points (like Utah). I also wouldn't recommend buying any bonus points/preference points for any state for goat/sheep.

By 50, odds are you will have all three on your wall.
No not really. I don't think anyone with common sense would consider .005 wayyy better odds than not applying at all. Odds are still dismal at best. Remember we're talking about ROI.
Buzz even if you "influenced" 100 people to apply keep in mind one might draw but 99 won't.
It's not a "woe is me" mindset. Honestly it's just being smart enough to recognize reality and accept it.
Only a fool would believe that getting in the points game today for msg is the same as it was in 1979.
Did you know there’s an actual YouTube video of Buzz applying for his last sheep tag? :unsure:

The dudes behind him are some Hunt Talk newbies that found out about his system. Some crazy stuff. I personally don’t want an msg tag that bad. 😲
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I apply in 4 Western states and have never been drawn. Yes I am gaining points, however the cost continue to increase. It's like asking the hot girl out, there's a 1 in a million chance she will say your saying there is a chance! That's why I send my hard earned dollars to multiple States.
Either have a huge checkbook, or play the lotto. Saved me 70k last year on a ram. White mt. Or Tejon for a 380 bull is now 70k...that's covers 8 lifetimes of draws.
I made the switch about two years ago. I pulled out of some long shot draws and spent those funds on out of state spring turkey tags and fishing trips in other states. Its been a great decision and I get to see new country. I am still in for western draws just not ones with dismall draw odds or premium application fees anymore.
The tag I drew in Utah this year typically auctions for $50k. I spent 27 points for the tag but honestly would take the money if I could sell. Despite the long wait, a special hunt is just not that big a deal to me. I love hunting local whitetails for $26 just as much. I don’t care how wealthy some guys are. I would never blow that much or six figures on any hunt tag. I’d donate it to a worthy cause first. Just stupid money.
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This year I was able to take the same small $400-500 and apply to a few western states. Only two of them required sinking $$ into a license which was another $120 or so with another $30-40 in app fees. I didn’t draw and was able to buy my wife a paddle board. Kind if a neat strategy with a bonus at the end if not drawn.
I can't of 1 western state that doesn't require buying the nr license before you can apply for the draws.
I can't of 1 western state that doesn't require buying the nr license before you can apply for the draws.
Wyoming comes to mind sense there isn't a actual general hunting license. You have to pay the license up front but if unsuccessful get almost a full refund excluding a app fee (I believe $15).
My buddy's son, with Zero pts., just drew a ca. Desert ram tag. That's $250k@auction.
The highest paid amount for a ca desert sheep tag at the auction table was 250k that was once that is not the norm and so I don’t think you can say that he drew a 250k valued sheep tag. Depending on the unit but probably more like between 65k-120k
I'm just waiting on AZ to send me the unsuccessful in a couple of weeks and then my application season is basically over (except a couple of raffles and supertag drawings). I'm sure I'll keep applying in the future as I'm a sucker for that one small chance of drawing a tag.

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