Attempting a flight out again this morning to King Salmon. Today I am a paying customer, as opposed to flying on a buddy ticket, so I shouldn't get bumped.
I spent in total, 10 hours in the Pen Air terminal and while doing so I met some interesting people and seen some interesting things.
First, a top three list of the most carried on items (aside from bags). Realize for the people that don't know, all of these flights originating out of Anchorage are headed into remote villages, most of them fishing villages: McGrath, Dillingham, King Salmon, Dutch Harbor and Cold Bay.
The #3 item to be carried on the plane yesterday....clip on knives. Yes, this is a different world Alaska. There is no security to walk through, therefore bags and ppl do not get checked.
#2....Moosie, you will like this one. Buckets of KFC. Looked like the Colonel's extra crispy recipe, but I can't confirm there were not at least a few Double Downs in there somewhere.
#1 (drum roll) The #1 item hand carried on the aircraft yesterday guessed it, FLOWERS! Looked to be the Fred Myer special....moms all over the Alaskan Peninsula were probably teary eyed from the thoughtfulness of their loved ones. I wish my mom were still alive......sigh* Okay...enough sappiness.
As mentioned previously, I met with and spoke to a few characters yesterday. My amazon tundra wookie. Not only was she UN-easy on the eyes, but she was a Fed who manages the Katmai Park & Preserve. The story will have to wait for now, as my cab is about to shuttle me over to the airport. To be continued on the iPhone...
Hey guys! Made it into King Salmon as planned this a.m. Spent the day trying to get out. All holy hell has blown in and will keep us in town for at least the night. Will try to get out tomorrow...not looking great.
Guess I'll head over to King Salmon's version of the ABC. These ladies were runner up on the pole.