
This Spot Reserved For Oak's BFR

Thanks, I'll see what I can do. ;) Two weeks from today, but who's counting?
You probably won't call it a BFR, but I'm damn happy with him. Heading home tomorrow, and have a long story to put together (14 days in the mountains). Took about 400 photos, so hopefully I can find a couple of good ones. I'll get something up later this week.
Any ram is a big ram, so congratulation Oak.
You should E-mail Moosie a photo of it's sack.
Congrats on the ram Oak! I've hunted sheep almost every year since 1999. This year's ram was the first I've seen that was this big. I'm sure you have a great one and some fine memories to boot.
thats what I'm talking about :D :D

Doesn't bother me... I've already seen a picture of it ;)

Congrats on your Ram brudda !!!
Ovis... pull the PAnties out, I was kidding, I've seen no pictures. I hope to soon though. Either way, If Oak is back and Happy.. then We're happy and pics will come !!! Can't wait for the story ....
I don't remember typing that. Musta been the Nascar beer talking. Only thing talking this a.m. though is a really bad headache. Looking forward to the pics.
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