Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

This man speaks his mind regarding closing of gun show.

That's funny, I never saw this on any of the news broadcasts.... I wonder why ? ........................... I did see that Trump had sex with a hooker 15 years ago though
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The main miscalculation here is assuming you are dealing with rational people who genuinely want what they claim. There are people in positions of power in this country who will not be satisfied until every gun, every bow, and every knife is confiscated and destroyed. Note, I am not saying this is the case with anti-gun people as a whole- the majority of them genuinely believe the stuff they are repeating. They really believe they will be safer if they become more helpless. Because the media are controlled almost entirely by one side here, there is no place at the table for logical discussion. There is huge political power up for grabs by whipping people up into a frenzy of fear and then offering a "solution" to a nonexistent problem. Nobody will ever be allowed on mainstream media to point out that killing innocent people is already the most illegal action there is, and if that doesn't stop someone, making it slightly more illegal certainly won't. That is reason, and it is entirely unwelcome. They are not at all interested in anything that will allow you or me a voice.

There is no compromising with these people. Appeasement has never worked, throughout history. Once you pay the Danegeld, you are never rid of the Dane. They will take whatever you offer, then demand more. Once they have all the handguns, all the "high capacity magazines" and all the "assault rifles", your bolt action deer rifle will become a "sniper rifle", and your shotgun will become a "street sweeper". There is no "enough" in their crusade. There are a few people who are intent on collecting more power for themselves by taking it from everyone else. They, quite wisely, started out by cementing control of the media. They carefully craft responses to every tragedy that comes along so it builds fear in the minds of the uninformed. Keeping the hysteria going keeps people from looking at uncomfortable facts. Particularly since the largest urban areas are almost entirely disarmed, most people have very few facts to work with. There will always be more tragedy, because gun control simply doesn't work. They know it doesn't work, but it's not really about the guns. It's about the control.

Television and movies keep pounding on the theme that violence=guns. You almost never see criminals on TV deliberately choosing a target because they know the victims will be unarmed. You almost never see a common citizen on TV successfully defending their home or family. You never see anyone on TV who owns guns and doesn't shoot anyone with them. The message is that guns are violence, and your only protection is the police, who will always solve any crime in 22 minutes plus commercials.

I realize there are outdoor channels available, but a lot of the shows there are doing the antis' work for them. The "Whack-em-and-stack-em" mentality is revolting to nonhunters, and to most real hunters as well. The majority of that programming does a better job of painting hunters as psychotic rednecks than the antis ever could. Psychotic rednecks are safely ignored, until they are needed to take the blame for the next shooting.

I think a lot of that is an overstatement. But you do have valid arguments. I personally know a lot of very rational people, many of whom hunt or support hunting in the ar-ban camp. It is difficult to discuss with them the actual specifics around their proposals because so much of what they think they know simply isn't correct. But I do agree with them wholeheartedly that students should not be afraid of being shot at school. We just disagree on how to address that.

The media has problems, but it ain't all one sided.

I tend to think a lot of the problems with the media are driven by the all-mighty dollar not necessarily nefarious intent. News outlets focus on things that get attention, not on things we should know about. You never hear about county commission decisions on the news but they're likely the most impact full on your day-to-day life.
I know I'll never get some people to see reason on this. People, in general, are far too self-centered. A guy who only hunts quail has no problem with banning AR-15s, or handguns, or whatever, because it doesn't directly affect him. Yet. What it comes down to, in the end, is analogous to a right-handed man feeding his left arm to a lion in hopes that it will be satisfied and go away. After all, he doesn't really need that arm, does he? The problem is that it is a unilateral agreement. The lion has not agreed. When the lion keeps eating, it's a lot harder to fight him off with only one arm and catastrophic blood loss. The precedent has been set, you have defined yourself as food.

Look at what agreeing to a ban on AR-15s does, though. Okay, you don't like AR-15s. Fine, I get that, I don't particularly care for Winchesters. So you're going to agree with the Schumers and the Bloombergs that simply because these rifles look something like a military weapon they should be banned, that you can't possibly be trusted with them. Do you seriously think a ban on AR-15s will affect the crazies at all? Of course not. Students are not afraid of being shot in school because I have an AR-15. Students are afraid of being shot in school because mental health care in the US is a disgrace, because children are not being taught any accountability or personal responsibility, and because our society glamorizes the individual above all else. We live in a culture in which nothing is ever your fault, there is no right or wrong, and no consequences are ever expected. Parents are not expected to discipline their children. Teachers are not allowed to keep order in the classroom. Children are allowed to access the internet with full privacy and no supervision.

Accepting a ban on AR-15s is setting a precedent. You are saying, "I am willing to give up my rights to make someone else feel safer, and I believe it is right for the government to force me and other law-abiding gun owners to do so." AR-15s are being singled out, not because they are mechanically different from any other gas-operated semi-automatic rifle. Not because they are inherently any more deadly that any other rifle. Not because they are somehow less useful than any other rifle. AR-15s are being singled out because they look a little different; because they are not yet used as widely in hunting as more conventional-looking rifles; and because some hunters think that the right to keep and bear arms is somehow related to hunting. IT IS NOT. It's an opportunity for the "common sense gun control" faction to nibble away a bit more. "We don't want to take away your hunting rifles. We just want to destroy all these evil assault rifles, so school shootings can't possibly happen any more. For the children!" And some of our dimmer brethren will fall right in behind it, Ban AR-15s! They're not hunting rifles! We don't need them to hunt deer! So a law is passed outlawing AR-15s. All handguns have to go, obviously. And AK-47s. And Mini-14s. And Remington 7400s. And BARs. And 10-22s. And all old military surplus rifles. Of course, every gun (other than possibly double barreled shotguns) can be traced back to a military design, so where exactly do you draw the line?

Naturally, even if it were somehow possible to completely remove the evil "assault rifles", it's only a matter of time until some teenaged whacko shoots up a school with a pump shotgun, and the whole cycle starts up again, only this time it's "street sweepers" instead of "assault rifles." Now all the shotguns that can take more than two shells have to go. Magazine plugs? Nope, they're removable. Have to modify the designs, destroy all the existing guns, have to keep the children safe! Duck hunters can still hunt with only two shells. It's compromise, don't you know. Common sense. Until there's an incident with a scope-sighted "sniper rifle".

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