Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

This just in...Feds/wolves/courts

Been trying to figure out how to respond to Randy but also better articulate my thoughts on the ESA.

To me your comment kinda sums it up…

I’m for the ESA when it comes to Condors or Black footed ferrets, would I support USFWS doing a captive ferret breeding and release program, definitely.

I voted no on CO wolves.

Wolves are just completely different. They should have the same rules and treatment as restoring elk back east. To me elk in PA or KY is the parallel to wolves in CO.
The wolves vs. Eastern elk comparison is a really good one, great insight Wllm1313
Wolves are just completely different. They should have the same rules and treatment as restoring elk back east. To me elk in PA or KY is the parallel to wolves in CO.
Yeah, wolves are different. People name them. Get emotionally attached somehow. Cry when a Park wolf takes a bullet. These same people could give a shit less if elk left the landscape. mtmuley
Prairie wolf= coyote
Great Plains wolf= extinct subspecies of gray wolf that we already killed off
Gray wolf= widespread across most of North America/Eurasia in its historic range

Gray wolf was always here, just also had geographically Isolated subspecies that are now extinct.
Wolves and Grizzly Bears are just hard to pin down when it comes to the ESA. There are other animals that are on the verge of extinction, but Jane Goodall doesn't care because they don't make stuffed animals out of them. One of the things that drives me nuts is the hypocrisy of all of this. The wolf and GB activists claim that these animals aren't recovered on all of their historic range, and therefore need ESA protection. Those same people claim that elk in CO are overpopulated and therefore we need wolves to 'manage' them. There is no mention that elk are only present on something like 20% of their historic range.
Prairie wolf= coyote
Great Plains wolf= extinct subspecies of gray wolf that we already killed off
Gray wolf= widespread across most of North America/Eurasia in its historic range

Gray wolf was always here, just also had geographically Isolated subspecies that are now extinct.
Wolves and Grizzly Bears are just hard to pin down when it comes to the ESA. There are other animals that are on the verge of extinction, but Jane Goodall doesn't care because they don't make stuffed animals out of them. One of the things that drives me nuts is the hypocrisy of all of this. The wolf and GB activists claim that these animals aren't recovered on all of their historic range, and therefore need ESA protection. Those same people claim that elk in CO are overpopulated and therefore we need wolves to 'manage' them. There is no mention that elk are only present on something like 20% of their historic range.
Predators are what the far left wants to use as a means to control ungulate populations. When the apex predators are controlling populations and nature is in balance sport hunting will no longer be needed.
With the wolves we are dealing with an apex predator that has never been on the landscape…ever. The wolves that used to be here were a sub species.
They say the wolves in the upper Midwest were never extinct, so not re-introduced, numbers estimated @ 4000, just seems like their numbers are exploding. My belief is because, at least in Northern & Mid-Western WI, we started feeding them some Kentucky/Michigan elk. 😒
Predators are what the far left wants to use as a means to control ungulate populations. When the apex predators are controlling populations and nature is in balance sport hunting will no longer be needed.
In Montana, it would seem, 12 weeks of general OTC hunting, 6 months of shoulder seasons, combined with massive numbers of outfitters is doing a much better job of controlling ungulates than the "far left" be fair.
In Montana, it would seem, 12 weeks of general OTC hunting, 6 months of shoulder seasons, combined with massive numbers of outfitters is doing a much better job of controlling ungulates than the "far left" be fair.
That’s not the point, the far left aren’t satisfied with their present position and will continue to interfere until the hunter becomes extinct.
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