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This is why Bozeman is kind of annoying.

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I’m trying to decide what’s more “annoying” - a town that all sorts of people are moving to including a woman who an article was written about…


A guy who refers to himself as “an elite runner” who starts a thread on a hunting forum about his grievances about the above article and the use of the word “inclusive”.

Hilarious stuff.
We all know your trigger is somebody saying something about Bozeman. Thats your battle to fight.
The great thing about running is the high and satisfaction the person doing gets from it nobody else involved except you. If you run and rely on others to give you satisfaction for doing it why would you even put yourself through that bullshit. It's not exactly type 1 fun.
I have nothing against the people, dont know em and dont care to know em. I guess it's the word inclusive that triggers my annoyance. If you want to run go freaking run. There is nothing inclusive or uninclusive about it...I've been an "elite runner" pretty much my whole life never cared if anyone knew about it or felt not included. Stop needing your hand held or applause for every tiny aspect of your life and do things for your own satisfaction.

Self-contrived barriers can only be overcome by you. In this example lace up the Sauconys and get out there or dont i really don't care.

I expect we have a huge bias in this regard on this forum. Confidence is easy for people that have it, and likely the public land hunting community is biased to the confident side.

It's not that easy for folks who don't have it.
Again good for these folks. I disagree with the way they portray that running is not inclusive and has to many barriers and is borderline sexist because it easier for men. It's the same old shit...im gonna start a group that gets more men involved in quilting because there is to many barriers for men to get into quilting and it's dominated by women. The first lesson will be directions to your nearest Joann's.
Again good for these folks. I disagree with the way they portray that running is not inclusive and has to many barriers and is borderline sexist because it easier for men. It's the same old shit...im gonna start a group that gets more men involved in quilting because there is to many barriers for men to get into quilting and it's dominated by women. The first lesson will be directions to your nearest Joann's.

Ummmm, bad news:
Elite runner moves to Montana and complains about words others, who also moved to MT use. Piss yer pants funny.
You forgot the quotes on elite runner. Kinda like you would have quotes on elite troll.
I also never said anything about where the woman came from idc if she came from outer space. Doesn't change the fact that I disagree with how the idea of running really far isn't inclusive enough. I like the idea of a running club I've been part of them in the past. I really enjoy them.
You forgot the quotes on elite runner. Kinda like you would have quotes on elite troll.
I also never said anything about where the woman came from idc if she came from outer space. Doesn't change the fact that I disagree with how the idea of running really far isn't inclusive enough. I like the idea of a running club I've been part of them in the past. I really enjoy them.

Mr. Elite Runner - You have yet to explain why you being offended by the word inclusive ties into why “Bozeman is kind of annoying”

Just curious.

smoke two packs of cigs a day
I was that guy in Vietnam ... then family and kids, so health alert and busy with life. Wife and I started running and hiking/backpacking at about fifty. The running events around Montana are fun and are attended by really positive, health minded folks. Bozeman area hosts some great events like Run to the Pub, Turkey Trot, SweetPea Race, Sweat for VETs (April 19th), John Colter Run through the hills at Trident, and many others. Having grown up in Great Falls, we still travel there for the Ice Breaker in late April. (Ice Breaker attracts elite runners such as the Kenyans and I passed them one time. Of course they were returning on the loop and I was still going out! :LOL:) Ten of us with family name ran it one year. Mom walked the one-mile into her nineties. If you haven't run or walked across Ft Peck Dam in the Longest Dam Race, then your Montana experience is lacking. Governors Cup Races in June in Helena are a multi day affair and are culminated with a burger on the back deck of the York Bar with some of our high school classmates.

At eighty now, I am signed up to participate. Don't know if you could call my gait "running" anymore, but an upright crossing of the finish line is a big WIN!
IThe running events around Montana are fun and are attended by really positive, health minded folks. Bozeman area hosts some great events like Run to the Pub, Turkey Trot, SweetPea Race, Sweat for VETs (April 19th), John Colter Run through the hills at Trident, and many others. Having grown up in Great Falls, we still travel there for the Ice Breaker in late April. (Ice Breaker attracts elite runners such as the Kenyans and I passed them one time. Of course they were returning on the loop and I was still going out! :LOL:) Ten of us with family name ran it one year. Mom walked the one-mile into her nineties. If you haven't run or walked across Ft Peck Dam in the Longest Dam Race, then your Montana experience is lacking. Governors Cup Races in June in Helena are a multi day affair and are culminated with a burger on the back deck of the York Bar with some of our high school classmates.
Another fun one is Headwaters Relay.
Mr. Elite Runner - You have yet to explain why you being offended by the word inclusive ties into why “Bozeman is kind of annoying”

Just curious.

Bozeman is kind of annoying...simple just read your comments. Not really. The annoying inclusivity group is in Bozeman so therefore Bozeman gets the kind of annoying tag from me. I'm sure there is other reasons to...like the median home price being almost a million bucks. But it makes sense that it costs so much to live there with such amazing inclusive running opportunities why wouldn't it be pricey.
Allison was a roommate of mine for a while - a little sweetheart and clearly tough as nails. She’s as kind and humble as any human I’ve met.

I noticed her limping around the house one day and asked her what the problem was. She said she was up all night doing laps on the M and did 21 of them, that’s 17k of vertical took her all night. Here’s a ring camera video of her leaving for a morning run after possibly the heaviest snowfall overnight I’ve seen in 40 years of living in Bozeman. She got home over 4 hours later..

Maybe rename the thread - Some very wonderful people sometimes move to Bozeman.
You would have thought her roommate would have at least shoveled off the steps.
Bozeman is kind of annoying...simple just read your comments. Not really. The annoying inclusivity group is in Bozeman so therefore Bozeman gets the kind of annoying tag from me. I'm sure there is other reasons to...like the median home price being almost a million bucks. But it makes sense that it costs so much to live there with such amazing inclusive running opportunities why wouldn't it be pricey.
I’m sorry that it’s traumatizing enough for you to log into a hunting forum to share your pain. Also - I’m glad that you really enjoy running clubs - and comfortable with your pronouns and such. Keep hammering.
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