Kenetrek Boots

This is how close we came to having the UN Gun Ban Treaty approved in the Senate.

Is a Howa the weapon of choice to fight my way out of a FEMA camp, then battle Agenda 21?

When someone saw a young man dressed in a black trench coat and armed with what looked like a rifle, police were called.

Responding officers who found the man soon realized he had only soft foam Nerf weapons and was reportedly just playing a game of "Humans vs. Zombies."

Police were called after the 24-year-old Rapid City man was seen carrying what looked like a long rifle in the area of Estes Park Court and Kansas City Street about 4 p.m. Saturday, authorities said.

The game player's "weapons" included a foam rifle, foam pistol and foam sword, according to police spokeswoman Tarah Heupel.

Heupel said the man was "very cooperative." After visiting with officers, he was sent on his way. Heupel did not know if the man identified himself as a zombie or a human.

Humans vs. Zombies is a game invented by students at Maryland's Goucher College in 2005, according to the official HvZ website. The game is now played on more than 650 college campuses.

The South Dakota School of Mines & Technology is not listed as a registered site for the game, however, the University of South Dakota at Vermillion has a recognized game.
from the UN taking over to zombies. what a disappointment this has become.
The trick would be to convince the UN of an impending zombie invasion and then watch the fallout.
I think half the UN council considers LARP-ing an act of war. That's what I read in the last edition of North American Hunter anyway.
If the lighting bolt is made in Japan, can I still buy one?

I draw the line at wearing a kilt though.
Jones does Agenda 21 have a plan for Lilith Fair and Burning Man outbreaks?

im just glad the treaty did not pass,because our government does not give a rats behind about our gun rights,but they do care about taking them away.:eek:
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