This guy does suck

Unfortunately a month of random weeknights won't make a difference, control is going to have to be in perpetuity. Their fecundity coupled with a lack of natural predation means the only limiting factor is habitat, and thus far when they start reaching the limit of that, our solution is to put them in damn feedlots and feed them on the public dole. As if we don't have enough issues with them, they also contribute to entitlement expansions...

I hate em, and I've made my living my entire life with horses.
There a few areas I drive through and think this is the ONLY solution that might ever be implemented. Get a bunch of dudes and get out on a random weeknight and actually make a difference. Even if it's a short term one.

But then the rational side of me would never ACTUALLY do it.

Even if round up and slaughter were implemented, or people were allowed to hunt and harvest, which I'm not necessarily against at this point, I think it'd still be a hell of a yearly undertaking with them adding like 10-20 percent to their population per year through reproduction, plus people still dumping horses on top of that. Seems like the only cost effective way would be to allow mustangers to round up and sell for slaughter.

I don't think enough people would be interested in killing a horse and eating it. I have a love hate relationship with wild horses, I want to see them managed, but I don't think I'd ever want to kill a horse and eat it. I'm sure many here feel the same way.
When Pendley sells of the BLM land, do the horses and burros come with the deal? Like a furnished apartment?
Except horse slaughter isn't legal for private herds either...will have to be shipping involved.
Don't know about Your State , But here in AZ. it is ridiculous with the amount of Wild Horses and Burros State wide. Most Hunters don't mind them Being thinned out . Not Enough browse in This Arid State to Begin with...............BOB!
The feral horse and burro situation in the U.S. is an absolute joke. A $75M joke in 2018 to be exact. No other species gets a pass like the feral horses. Charismatic mega-fauna to be sure

I don't care how they're designated (native/non-native/feral etc), but they must be managed and not allowed to perpetuate and run at large on public land like they are now. If they're non-native it seems we should be allowed to eradicate and hunt them like any other invasive such as the feral pig or Burmese python. On the other hand, if they are truly native (as so many feral horse advocates claim) then shouldn't they be managed by state game and fish agencies like all other native species? Why are they the one species that gets an automatic pass and can't be harassed, killed, harvested or slaughtered?

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