Think it’s so easy??

I appreciate the moral support and look forward to updating on the hunt. 90 days to get into some sort of better shape (thats a whole other issue..... altitude adjustment!) and am very open to suggestions on a supplemental seat cushion.... my last solo drive took a turn for the worse between Laramie and Encampment on the way to CO. About 27 hours into it my hip joint went bonkers, ligaments spasming, etc. Hasn’t been right since, did some permanent damage apparently. Thankfully it wasn't a blood clot. Still got an elk that week though, LOL!
That's a helluva drive. Just make sure you do some good e-scouting and have a couple of backup plans. Pack extra in your truck just in case, and make a good playlist to listen to, or have some good podcasts ready. Listening to standup comedy usually helps me get through long drives more than music when I'm tired. As far as a seat cushion, maybe you should look into having an air suspension chair installed like in the big rigs lol! And the air compressor could be multi-purpose in case you need it. Good luck on your hunt!
Right at 1800 miles for me. No solo trips for me though, so we always drive straight through. I'm from a family of truck drivers so I guess it is just natural to enjoy it. I will say though that the trip back is a little brutal. Nothing like hitting St. Louis morning traffic when you're running on very little sleep. And running the numbers on driving vs. flying, I'll keep driving no questions asked.
while your tesla truck is out of battery just north of kaycee on i25 and youre still fast asleep i'll be white knuckling right past you to shoot the first buck in my new ford hybrid truck

I'm sure Kaycee is next in line for a supercharger.
Right at 1800 miles for me. No solo trips for me though, so we always drive straight through. I'm from a family of truck drivers so I guess it is just natural to enjoy it. I will say though that the trip back is a little brutal. Nothing like hitting St. Louis morning traffic when you're running on very little sleep. And running the numbers on driving vs. flying, I'll keep driving no questions asked.
You can save money flying, as long as you don't shoot something to bring back lol. I just say I'm an optimist and bring many coolers just in case.
You can save money flying, as long as you don't shoot something to bring back lol. I just say I'm an optimist and bring many coolers just in case.
I dont do a lot of flying so maybe I am out of touch with pricing, but can you fly round trip NC to WY and rent a car for less than $200? Thats what the per person gas cost was on the last trip with 3 of us. Even if I drove solo it would've been $500.

Edit to add: I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious. If flying is that cheap I've got some turkey trips to start planning lol
I dont do a lot of flying so maybe I am out of touch with pricing, but can you fly round trip NC to WY and rent a car for less than $200? Thats what the per person gas cost was on the last trip with 3 of us. Even if I drove solo it would've been $500.

Edit to add: I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious. If flying is that cheap I've got some turkey trips to start planning lol
No sir.
No idea what car rental runs, but I'll wager you can't get a plane ticket for $200.... probably not for $500 either.

I want to go back to Kodiak Island, AK to fish!
Damn plane tickets are more than the boat ride! 🤯!
I dont do a lot of flying so maybe I am out of touch with pricing, but can you fly round trip NC to WY and rent a car for less than $200? Thats what the per person gas cost was on the last trip with 3 of us. Even if I drove solo it would've been $500.

Edit to add: I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious. If flying is that cheap I've got some turkey trips to start planning lol

Of course not if you're just looking at the ticket price plus rental car vs gas money, but either adding a couple days of hunting or being able to shorten the trip by a couple days for family or work is worth $$$ to me. Plus straight through driving for 24+hrs is pretty awful, especially on the return trip. Honestly, the best way to do it is if you can get some buddies to do the drive and then you fly out to meet them. ;)
Right at 1800 miles for me. No solo trips for me though, so we always drive straight through. I'm from a family of truck drivers so I guess it is just natural to enjoy it. I will say though that the trip back is a little brutal. Nothing like hitting St. Louis morning traffic when you're running on very little sleep. And running the numbers on driving vs. flying, I'll keep driving no questions asked.
Little tip on that trip back to NC. Them Kansas cops on I70 don’t buy the “ my father in law is in the hospital with Covid and my wife wants me home “ story even though it was true I still got a ticket.
You can save money flying, as long as you don't shoot something to bring back lol. I just say I'm an optimist and bring many coolers just in case.
Southwest. $75.00 per extra bag/cooler and not limit on the number of them. I try to get a direct flight and it helps to have some help when you land, to get everything out to the car.
Little tip on that trip back to NC. Them Kansas cops on I70 don’t buy the “ my father in law is in the hospital with Covid and my wife wants me home “ story even though it was true I still got a ticket.
I would drive 12 hours out of the way to avoid going through Kansas.

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