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Things your kids do……

Thanks for the comments. @MarvB, three girls here too.

This one has tested us to what we thought was the breaking point. Many times. What’s ironic is the traits that make her most challenging are the ones she gets from me. My wife looked at me one day when I was ready to kill our daughter and said “you know, she’s just like you.”

As parents, we’ve continually stressed the importance of perspective, compassion, and grace. You spend so much time wondering if your efforts ever took root, and then you have flashes like this that just overwhelm you with humility and happiness.

She heads off to college in August. As per usual, she’s determined to do it her way. I too hope she reminds herself of this perspective over and over.

Sounds a bit like a girl that calls me “Dad.” Usually with an accompanying eye roll.... 😏😄
This post and the comments made my day. Well done JLS. You and the Mrs should be very proud. Turns out you're not just good at raising dogs...

My youngest daughter just got married and I'm having a hard time with the empty nest thing. We have always been best buds. She lives less than 2 hours away but it feels like a million miles. Cherish every moment, my friend.
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@JLS - Thanks for sharing. Awesome.
My youngest put together a speech for a rodeo event twenty years ago. Blew pop away that the kid had thoughts like that! 😳

Forgot, we had a nephew live with us for 3 years.
The spring of his junior year he entered a speech contest to win a trip to Washington, D.C. sponsored by the local electric co-op.
He wrote a good speech, but had a hand full of cue cards.
The wife and me told him, learn your speech. Do it without cue cards.
He was the only one to deliver his speech, flawlessly, without cue cards...AND...won himself an all expense paid trip to D.C.!
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Impressive. And, as you know, I'm not easily impressed.

That first loss of a loved one is so hard. My heart goes out to your girl. My daughter had the courage to not come to the hospital when her mom was dying. Or to the funeral home visitation. I advised her that seeing Cathy so badly mangled is not the kind of baggage she needed to carry. Certainly not what her mom would want. I had to be there to take her off life support. That was my job. Had Cathy been able to slip away reasonably normally like your daughter's grandpa my advice would have been different. Jessie was your daughter's age. Eighteen. Glad they were not younger.
Amazing write up. You are very proud I’m sure!! As a father to 3 girls myself, I hope they have that sort of insight by that age. Heck I wish I had that sort of insight by my own age haha. Sorry for your families loss however. It is heartwarming that it molded her in that way though. Best of luck to her in her new journey.
What a great story. Last week I had the privilege of being at my youngest granddaughters college graduation.
Now I have 2 Granddaughters teaching, 1 learning to run a Family business. A Daughter that is a teacher, 2 grandsons in the air Force, a son in law in oil, one recently retired from the 82nd airborne out of Ft. Bragg. A daughter in law with a Doctorate in education a daughter in law an RN. 14 grand kids and 4 great grands.

Thankfully all raised in the outdoors.

My cup is wonderfully full.

Yet when the times come I loose friends or family. Time stands still, and I say to myself if only we had more time together.
Some is never enough 😢
What a great story. Last week I had the privilege of being at my youngest granddaughters college graduation.
Now I have 2 Granddaughters teaching, 1 learning to run a Family business. A Daughter that is a teacher, 2 grandsons in the air Force, a son in law in oil, one recently retired from the 82nd airborne out of Ft. Bragg. A daughter in law with a Doctorate in education a daughter in law an RN. 14 grand kids and 4 great grands.

Thankfully all raised in the outdoors.

My cup is wonderfully full.

Yet when the times come I loose friends or family. Time stands still, and I say to myself if only we had more time together.
Some is never enough 😢

JLS, you have done well by your children.
The word "Pride" does not fully discribe the inner feeling a parent has that has placed the seeds of "Character" in their children 🤗🤗

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