Things that need to be said (My soapbox about SI)


New member
Jun 5, 2004
North Pole, Alaska
I posted this under another topic as a response to a post, but I hope that everyone will read it:

IMHO, I think all these little personal wars on this board are getting old. I originally came on here to get some advice about a rifle purchase and have stayed because there is a lot of great information to be had. Unfortunately, I have to wade through an incredible amount of garbage mainly consisting of personal attacks.(I'm not picking on one person here, it is several people, and it comes from both sides.) It's starting to get as bad as a presidential election, but at least those only come around once every four years.

So, if at all possible, could everyone please get off thier high horses and stop with all the crap. I know that is a lot to ask, and I am relatively new to this board, but I like it here!!! Sometimes it is really funny, but most of the time, its just sad. We're all adults here (I think) and we should be able to have intelligent conversations without lowering ourselves. It's OK to have differing opinions, in fact, it is necessary. But if things get so ugly that you feel a need to start getting personal, just simply agree to disagree and keep it to yourself.

Thank you, I'll get down now.

Kevin (guppie9)
Just as a follow up--

Under no circumstances am I suggesting that we stop the great conversations that go on here. I love to read differing opinions about different subjects and have been known to be swayed by those arguements. However, all I ask is to keep it civil. If you disagree with someone, there is no need to call them a dumbass or tell them how stupid they are for having their opinion. I know that some of you think there are people on this board who are inherently stupid and feel a need to point that out everytime they post something. Why?? What is the point?? If you have a relevant fact that disputes their point, then post it...without all the superfluous personal commentary.

OK...I'm done!

Very well said, and couldn't be stated enough...

Of course that makes me all of the above I would surmise because I agree whole heartedly.... ;)
Actually I don't really have a problem with it as long as it stays in this forum. You got to have thick skin to hang with the likes of gunner, buzz, ithaca and chaser. Some of these threads are down right funny when you read them. Once it spills out to other forums is when I have a problem.

If you have a relevant fact that disputes their point, then post it...without all the superfluous personal commentary.
Facts are often hard to come by here. I agree with you that the name calling and personal attacks get in the way of a good debate.

Why some want to jump on somebody every time they post is beyond me. I guess it is fun to them. If it bothers you so much then ignore it. That is what I do because there is nothing I can to stop it.

I agree guys ,

From now on let's not refer to ElkGunner as annoying , arrogant , pompous , contentious , argumentative , irritating or egotistical .

Let's also refrain from pointing out that his opinions are one-sided , left-wing , volvo-driving , bleeding-heart , commi-propaganda .

And out of respect , let's not make fun of his ancestry , his outdoor skills , his driving habits , his patriotism or his sexual orientation .

Also , changing his name to Elfgummer , Elkcummer , Selfhummer etc. is so childish .

Unless he provokes us , then the gloves come off again .
You see Russ I think that they use their anonymity like a shield to enable themselves to remain aloof, shallow, and at an arm's length. For whatever reason they do not appear to be willing to take the risks that being human requires. Why then having made the decision to not step out any closer than behind their electronic barriers would they not act like ass holes and feel confident with that?
What is more important is where you get bogus info, and then can't back up what you stated, as much as you accuse every one else of it. ;)
I know, I know....
You stated things that were a down right lie, now you want to ignore them, sorry, I dont or won't forget until you answer them, and no amount of any thing on your part will stop me... ;)
A melt down???
I never knew there was one.
Oh, I did make a trip to Warm Springs a week or so ago, just to see what the big deal you and Buzz were making. I even talked to a few residence.
Come to find out, you guy's have a huge amount of family there and they are wondering why you don't come and visit any more.
They are hurt and say you guy's just don't love them. They think you are afraid and ashamed of them... :(
Only think of yourselves don't you... Afraid genetics may play a part in why they are there and you will have to stay if you go back... ;)
" think I hear a melt-down coming..... Call the people at Warm Springs, and tell them they have a return patient....."

No problem Elkgunner,I called and told them you were on your way .
They said to tell you not to worry they holding your favorite room ,the one you call (your own private idaho).
You know gunner, I have still been waiting to see when I was going to have to "Open my wallet and pay big" when I stated some thing a little over a week ago. Been watching the mail every day in anticipation and still no fan mail from you....
Another little untruth on your part? ;)
When on earth are we going to be able to believe you again? ;)
I am running out of time this morning, I will look it up for you and re post it so you won't be able to forget, unless of course you beat me to it and erase that which you stated....

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