Kenetrek Boots

Things are happening!

Cool find and nasty break. Any evidence where it was found to suggest how he snapped it off?
Found it in a think patch of timber with trees very close together, no rubs. My buddy thinks he tried to push between two trees and it just snapped.

I mention the rubs because these bulls are rubbing on everything. Shredding trees all over. Anyone know why or what the purpose is this time of year? Testosterone is waning(hence the shedding of the antlers), are they just bored, or are they "feeling itchy" on the pedicles, testing antlers?
dude, nice finds and pics drat! Getting me itchy to hit the hills, with the winter already hard on them, think ill wait a little longer.
I have a question for you shed hunters.

Say there are a group of bulls and last Saturday only about 10% were shed off. What do you think that percentage would go up to by this upcoming Saturday? What about the Saturday after that?

I'm trying to pick my timing on going in to look for some sheds but I don't want to go too early and bump them out. But, I'm sure I'm not the only person to have seen these bulls either...
The big one was seen still packing this a.m. He headed for the timber when they went to feed the cows. We thought he had gotten bored and took off, had not seen him in a while. That was good news, but dang he's holding on to those things like money!!!!!! I wanted to go looking tomorrow on my day off!! More waiting.

These are the sheds I want.
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Now thats a cool find. Be interesting to see if that break effects his future growth.
You need to paint your deck railing and deck. Stop farking around the woods and get the home front taken care of. Jeez.

Nice sheds:D
Not much impressed by the sheds, not too worried about the shape of your deck....but tha tis a damned fine lookin dawg;)

That dog, in 2002, had the second highest natural ability score in the country, for VDD Group North America. He's been a good dog. Still moves like a champ for his age too. Hedge Row dog out of Blue Grass IA, if you are familiar.
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It was the much awaited day to go look for some sheds. Really hoping to find the big bull. Snowshoeing most of it, crazy snow still. The good thing is, you can see most of the trails they are using. The ranch hand wanted to go with us, so we let him pick which way he wanted to go. 3 of us on 700+ acres.


Tons and tons of fresh rubs.

Turns out, the ranch hand chose the best route. Laying right on the road. Dang!! Little bummed, as he just doesn't seem to appreciate it as much, hopefully doesn't just give it to his dog to chew up. Still another side out there though.

With 40 inch spread(what do most give a bull for spread when measuring sheds?), he measures out to be a 330 bull.

As the weather turned to crap, snowing pretty hard, all was put into perspective when my buddy got a call from a friends wife, her husband has hours to live(colon cancer), and is asking to see him. He is an old outfitter, so my friend took the shed to show the guy, and let him put his hands on it.
That dog, in 2002, had the second highest natural ability score in the country, for VDD Group North America. He's been a good dog. Still moves like a champ for his age too. Hedge Row dog out of Blue Grass IA, if you are familiar.

Not familiar. My brown girl is something I lucked into a few years back...never knew much about the wire haired pointing machines til I got her, previously had a Lab/Golden cross and previous to that had a American Water Spaniel/Lab cross. "My brown girl" is a Griffon/Lab cross that looks like a chocolate Grif and hunts as a pointer sometimes, as a flushing lab others....keeps me guessing, but I actually love the hell out of it. Will I get a rock steady point or will I get her barreling into the cattails blasting out a tight holding rooster? The perfect dawg for me. I've had amazing luck over the years with crossbred pups from trysts between high dollar different breed parents. I will never again be without a coarse-haired bearded lady....
I will never again be without a coarse-haired bearded lady....

Funny, that's what schmalts said after hunting with AZ402 a couple of years ago.

Nice job on the sheds. Good luck finding the other side.
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