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They are coming out of hibernation


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
I was speaking to one of the bear biologist for Wyo G&F for NW Wyoming today and he said he got some emails from biologists in Montana, and the bears are coming out. I did not have a chance to ask him where as we both got called. just thought I would pass it on.
I thought you might like to hear this. Probably gave you a woody too. :D

The same biologist says he thinks they will be coming out soon here too.
bears and den

I'm glad to hear those biologists now when the bears are coming out, ha! I'll share a little story with you about Utah. They opened the Wasatch unit to spring bear the first year and closed it May 18th. I went to the RAC meeting and complained that if they close bear season then they won't kill any bears because they just don't start moving in the Uintas until about then or later.

The mammals guy from Salt Lake City sited some crap abut some biologist's study and when the bears come out. They opened the season April 12th or so and closed it May 18th, gave out a dozen or tags and killed NO (zero) bears that year. I laughed!

You can set a good bait and a bear might be out and just not come in I suppose, and you wouldn't be able to prove a bear was out, but you can't cheat or lie to a good hound. The bears in northeastern Utah don't move until May and very little until the 10th or 15th, or about the time they looke to close pursuit......but I guess we aint suppose to have toooo much fun huh.

the ikester |oo
I had 3 bait sites last year and I put the bait out on April 15th and had trail cameras on 2 different bait sites. Both bait sites started getting hit on May 3rd. The 3rd bait site never got hit till after season was closed. The 3rd bait site was on a North facing slope with snow still on it where I have seen bears in the fall. But on one of the 2 with camera's I only had 1 bear hitting the bait. The other bait site in the time of the season I had 13 different bears hitting it.
Ike might have a point but if they are already coming out that is good news. I am pretty jacked over hearing the news. Hope to connect on another this year.
There is no baiting where I live, however, bears are usually out in early April and I've seen them in March before. If I had to pick a time to hunt bears over all others it would be the second half of April, especially this year.
There's a spare room here anytime..would be a fun hunt and I bet we'd see a few more than we did by Ashton. Hopefully you won't mind all the road-hunting and beer drinking. If we hunt south of town, there's even a titty bar on the way home. :)
I have 2 bait sites that get checked before season opens by atleast 2 weeks .
The bears are coming out in yellowestone and surounding areas and if they are coming out up here they sure as hell will be out down your way Ike .
Not all bear are going to be out but some are out and moving .
Grasses coming up on some of them south slopes and when food is out bears will be out also .

but you can't legally use bait....gotta run off tracks or have a good rig dog.
Well, actually hibernation would not be the correct term. Bears do not hibernate, they only go to sleep. Don't ask me why (because I don't remember) but for some reason it's not considered a true hibernation. I think it has something to do with the fact that a bear can be woken up, but an animal that is truly hibernating cannot. Maybe one of the biologists on here can clarify what the difference is.