
There's a marmot in my truck (revenge of flaviventris)

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About 6 years ago, the vermin population waxed and the predators waned!
I went out to start my '01 Cummins.
Touch the throttle and you got clouds of white smoke and the motor choked down!
What's going on?
Fearing the worst, I pulled the conduit between the breather and the turbo charger! There had to be five gallons of sticks and debris in the throat of the super charger!
Cleaned all THAT out then "engineered" screens (1/2" hail cloth) to keep them out of the turbo.
I'm running down the highway at 70mph when a mouse pops out from under the hood and scrambles across the base of the windshield to disappear into the electrical box!
Oh s#¡t!
I set mouse traps under the hood and in the cab.
Caught 14 of the little buggers before the traps went untouched!
The battery cable terminals on both batteries show signs of being chewed by rats!
It doesn't have to be a "marmot" to cause major damage!

At the same time, a buddy loaned me his John Deere 3032E to do some work around my house. He was going on vacation and told me to just hang onto the tractor until he came back.
Two weeks later, the tractor would turn over but wouldn't start.
Rats had built a nest under the hood.
Nearly $400 at the Deere dealership for them to pull the dash and replace it. Cheaper than rewiring!!! 😖
One of my concerns with the pressure washer is where it goes afterward. I don't have one of my own, so it's the car wash. As darkly humorous as it might be, a marmot with an arrow shaft sticking out of it's face running around a parking lot might get more newsworthy around here than I'd like...

I think some kind of hook on a stick and then is among my current top strategies. A snare loop could work if he's oriented right, but a hook just needs contact with any body part.

You man up and grab it tough guy :LOL:. It doesn't lead with it's tail, and I saw what it did to my arrow ha...
Pressure washer is a good thing to have for lots of reasons, especially if thinking about doing your own euros. A bit of a hassle to store but if you can find the space, I'd invest in one. Or try a garden nozzle on lawn hose set for tight spray. That might be enough. Good luck.
Just found out yesterday that mice had chewed the engine harness in my truck in half! Thinking if I found one on a blown engine somewhere that I could splice that part in. Maybe.
Just found out yesterday that mice had chewed the engine harness in my truck in half! Thinking if I found one on a blown engine somewhere that I could splice that part in. Maybe.
Must be a Dodge. Their shitty electronics make good mouse feed. At least Mopar wiring is good for something.
man i hope this never happens to me, Can you imagine one of those little F#$^ers gets in the cab of the truck. At that point may just have to set the truck on fire
I can see the advertisement in my head. Marmot with an arrow sticking out of him. RAGE BROADHEADS.
Small letters at the bottom of the advertisement.

*Rage broad heads have been known to lead to animal loss. We think this marmot eventually died. We make no promises if this broad head will expand correctly or kill anything besides a 110 pound whitetail doe.*
Wllm1313's got it right. Stop being a puss and go wrestle it out. Or have wllm1313's wife do it for you.
Okay, seriously. I gave this a bit of thought with the half dozen brain cells still active and came up with this solution. Use a garden hose with constricted nozzle to flush the bugger out. Someone needs to be standing by with a fishing net to throw over it quickly. Sounds like the poor bugger won't be moving very fast. Then kill it with a baseball bat. Clubbing it to death sounds gruesome but should be fairly humane if hit hard and reasonably accurate. I suggest sending the wife and kids out for pizza.
Park that sucker in your garage, close it up, and let her idle!

Pro Tip: You have to leave the garage while the truck is running.

Ehh, maybe not if your garage has a bunch of clutter he could run out to and escape in. And/or he gets lodged somewhere you can't find in the truck.

Fuel prices these days though maybe the most expensive option.

Needs some fine tuning but I think I'm on to something.

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