The West side east side story!!!


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az

I dont know where to start.. could it be from the time we , Now thats not it how about when we... no thats not it.. Oh I know when lip ripper no thats not either... How about GOTFISH when he no thats not it....

Give me some time

Haaaaaa Yaaaaa

You got skunked didn't you Del, LMAO, I knew giving Westy that crank bait and Mtnman that rod and reel, would invoke the Amberjack Curse on the Westsiders.

I don't know about Del but it sure smelled like skunk in the back of the boat. I got out at 3:00 am and rode back to town with Westy and MtnMan. Del and Gotfish? were still flipping. We had that eastsider in the boat with us, I think he jinxed us. He wouldn't even share his fish caller with us.
I think the fish heard the Westside was coming and got lock jaw but what do I know.

Well it has officially started.

Thanks AJ for the use of the pole and reel.
Could not see well enough to make any casts with it. Will try it this week in the day time and then get it back to you. Also, thanks for the items you gave me, I will take them up to the needy people tomorrow and help them install them.
As far as fishing goes, well it didn't.:(
At least for me, Del, 2fastnaz, and some eastsiders in with Lipripper.
Westy, Lipripper, and Got fish all caught some, and I will let them share the experience and details with you.

However, Del did get a BIKE RACK on his boat last night.
Pictures of the whole sha-bang will follow as soon as I and others get some well deserved sleep. I will have mine developed in a week and will have Del do the honors and commentary. Have to use the rest of the roll.

Until next time, round two.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-18-2002 10:27: Message edited by: Mntman ]</font>
Amberjack, and fellow eastsiders, you may need to ease up a bit before you know the whole truth. First of all, our only saving grace was that I had the BIG FISH of the night, A 6 pound Channel Catfish.

Other than that, it was not wise to leave the EASTSIDE's reputation on Lipripper and mine shoulders. It was too much pressure.

Elkwoosies, pics were taken by 2fast and Mntman. I have a feeling that there be some "Other" pics that may be used against us Eastsiders though. Amberjack, It may be time for you to spread some of your wealth to conceal some things that May need concealing. :rolleyes:
Oh no don't tell me you wore a pink thong!! or that you were fishing with bobbers, oh the horror of it all, our reputation my be soiled. I think we may have to bring a lawyer in on this, Law, where are you?
Got fish? in a pink thong would constitute intentional infliction of emotional distress. That is indefensible. However, with enough money and a good pirated copy of Photoshop . . . . I know a guy, let me see what I can do. ;)
Aw shit it's true, pink thong heh? well sounds like we are going to have to vote whether you stay a Darkside Member or not now.
IT was a fun night.. so fun I and got fished stayed until well after the sun came up....
Aprils pissed cause I didnt catch or bring home any walleye...

Got there about 10:30pm right behind westy and mtnman...

we were launched the boat and was bullshitting by the ramp when We hear a "DEL is that you" statement... It was LIPRIPPER .... we bull shitted for a while and then found out lipripper blew his prop... Normally I have one in the truck but took it out... SO WE towed him all the way up to shipwreck so he could get some fishing time in..... I didnt worry about towing him cause I knew I could make a buck or 2 on towing him back LMAO...

Anyway we started fishing and shooting the shit... 2fastaz and I thew senko's while got fish was looking for something to toss.. I suggested to him to toss a jig and pig off the cliff walls... 20 mins later he hooks a CATFISH....

Time went so fast that is was around 2am and westy said he was going to head out... Gotfish and I decided to stay along with LIPRIPPER who had no choice unless I towed him back(LOL).... 2fast hopped on westy's boat and went home...

Got fish and I fished for a while longer with no luck and only a few bites.... ran into Lipripper right when the sun was trying to come up.. he said he would try to idle back to the ramp so gotfish and I only thinking about or selves headed up to the no wake bouyes of the river.. I wanted to get into some walleye.. we fished for an hour or so then head back home(i had a 2 hour drive)... we get to the boat ramp and lipripper just got to it as well....

It was A blast!
I did break my best crank bait rod right in half on a cast....First time that has ever happened....

Except, I was already going to use the Jig 'n' Pig.
I was just asking specifics about technique and such, since I have never used it before. :D
Now this is what Elkhunter and I have been talking about..You guy's actually went fishing and had some stories to post down here in the deep south that is interesting reading....This razzing has been well worth it.. even thought the fish count was dizzmal..That was not the point..You guy's finally went and did the deed..I sure hope it doesn't take this long to get another wishy washy fisherwoosie tourny going again...So by the way!! When is the next foray....That way I know how long we have to hassle you boy's before the next one...LMAO.... Congrats to all that showed...Sounds like you had to much fun.....Cept'n for maybe Lippripper...Well next time..HUH???!!! :D :D :D
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