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The veil has been opened! 1/11

Well no birds to brag about but I also can’t complain about no opportunities. Once again, e-scouting paid dividends.

The goal was to get my dad to bag one since he’s never hunted in WY before and it would be his first turkey as well as mine. I opted to hold off on shots just because I live here and have plenty of time to harvest one.

Gobbling everywhere. I’ve never heard so much activity before. I saw elk deer turkey and pronghorn everywhere. It was a good trip just based on the wildlife viewing.

We had two close calls; the first was on a parcel of state land we knew a Tom was hanging out on. We side hilled it for about a half mile and sat while some knucklehead was switching between crow and yelps. Dad had the higher ground and I had the lower ground. I happened to look up to shake my head at what a dork the other hunter was when I turned further and found the Tom. I loaded a shell and then thought twice since dad was 45 degrees in front of me. I signaled to him to turn around but by that time he was covered in brush. He ended up in a foot race only to lose him on private land. I laughed so hard.

The last day sit yielded nothing so we opted to drive back to camp to pack up. As we’re talking about the next trips plans, he shouts to stop. In some creek drainage, there was 3 Tom’s that I never saw. He got out and got into the willow brush and had actually taken two shots at one. Missed both with shots too high. Again, laughed a lot.

Best turkey hunt ever. And I didn’t come home with anything more than a stray feather and some good memories. And the best part; I still got a tag to fill and some more hunting to do.
Kind of an odd set of weeks. Last week I couldn’t go out because I was babysitting my niece. This week I went out yesterday but gave up way too early due to 30 mph gusts. Planned on going today but ended up getting sick. Thinking of calling off Tuesday and Wednesday to give it the last go.

Running out of time.
I must be another guy that confuses luck with skill. After being skunked, I figured I could go out on my own and get one. I was wrong. Turkeys humbled me this year. I had plans on going over Memorial Day but it’s late season and will be raining so my probability of going dropped pretty dramatically.

I will say that I can’t say I didn’t have opportunities. Truth be told, I would have filled the WY tag twice had I been in the spot where my partners were. But that’s how hunting goes. I have some fulfillment after this year, and this was my first turkey hunt in almost 5 years. I have plenty of confidence next year will be much different.

Draw season is almost done. I have two tags in my pocket and am expecting to land two more. I’ll likely trade one in. First post edited. Scouting season starts soon!
CO draw is over and the tag list has been updated. Wyoming in a few weeks. Should draw two more. I probably overloaded on tags this year but this is my personal way of celebrating me moving back home. Did some scouting in one of these units already and found some game, so we're off to a good start.

Bigger scouting trips to come in the near future. I have one planned in June, maybe two. A bunch planned for July and August, but by then, archery pronghorn starts in WY. Assuming I draw that tag, the season kickoff will start!

So I had an eye-opening experience this past weekend. Took some time to process it and had a pretty tough conversation with my wife. Thought about not posting it but so many of you are rooting for me so I must cater to my audience!

So a bit of a backstory, the tag I got for elk is for the same unit I got last year in CO, but first season. So I have a pretty good advantage as to where the elk are. Turns out I’m still on the money. I took my dad up to 13000’ and found 30-40 head on top of the mesa. I was ecstatic and my dad was proud. We stood there as we watched them feed.

To the west, we saw a big storm coming in. Weatherman called for thunderstorms. I told my dad we should go but I wanted to walk a mile west into another drainage that I wanted to check out. When we got there, it actually started to snow and it was coming in. I turned to my dad and nodded towards the UTV. Within 30 seconds, *boom*. Thunderstorm. Then lightning.

Now I’ve read posts on here about thunderstorms and other woes about lightning. I also remember a story of my dad telling me about an uncle he had that died rounding cows and being hit by lightning. So needless to say, I panicked.

We ended up rushing back to the UTV. It took a mile and a half to get back but got a bit turned around because of the pelting snow. I saw three lightning strikes nearby that made my arm hair stand. That was one of the few times I sincerely thought I wasn’t going to get off the mountain. I try to be tough around my dad but it was the one time I felt I needed my dad to coddle me and say it’ll be ok.

We got to the UTV and slid our way off the mountain. Unharmed and untouched.

We got back to the cabin and regrouped. The storm had passed from the area and I decided to go back into an old unit for grins, and to satisfy my own curiosity. I told my dad where to go and he drove there. I glassed another mountain, another herd of elk were feeding.

I got home to my wife and confessed to her what happened. We made some changes on how often we communicate when I’m hunting and I also shared my boss’ contact info. Better to have it and not need it.

All in all, it was the best scouting trip I’ve ever had.

Wyoming this weekend, more to come.


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You ever run into a situation in scouting where you have a tag for one animal but you see EVERYTHING BUT the animal you have a tag for? That was me all weekend.

My wife and I got a new UTV and wanted to enjoy it some this weekend, so I decided to do a two for one trip where we go ride but we also scout. I never give out the units I hunt publicly, but may be willing to do so over PM. For perspective, the terrain in this unit is large rolling rocky hills with ponderosa pines. You jump across the main road and there are massive amounts of lodgepole pines. Key word being Rocky though.

You’d think I’d find mule deer in this unit. Nope, not one. At least bucks. Haven’t seen a doe in a few months though.

You know what I do find? Pronghorn. An abundance of them. In rocky forest terrain. Never witnessed them inhabiting this type of terrain until I moved to WY. It was amazing. That same day, I glassed up 4 cows feeding.

Today, we got there a bit earlier and drove more of the unit. Again, lots of pronghorn in the thick timber. I get to one of my glassing spots and happened to look over into private land a few miles away. I glassed my first 6-point bull in Wyoming. Now, I’m not good at scoring but if I had to guess, he would have scored 310. The “Y” on the top of his antlers was large enough to lay a log on, and the swords (also heard them called daggers, but G4) were long enough that I felt like my elbow to my wrist was a good starting point. He didn’t stick around for too long and bolted off, so no pictures.

But what did I not find? Mule deer. I think I’m too “elk brain” for mule deer hunting so when I glass I’m looking in places where I believe elk are. Maybe not the best strategy for mule deer….

It’ll be a few weeks before updating but I’m making one more scouting trip to CO for my elk tag. Then next month is opener for pronghorn archery. Almost time.
The cross-throughs and question marks are confusing me. Maybe it's the bourbon, but anyway, are these the tags you won? Are the question marks the pending results of the hunt?

2023 ID OTC deer - ?
2023 CO muzzleloader pronghorn (first choice)- ?
2023 WY LE pronghorn (first choice) - ?
2023 WY LE mule deer (first choice) - ?
2023 CO first season elk (second choice) - ?
2023 WY LE elk (second choice) - ?
2023 WY leftover cow elk - ?
The cross-throughs and question marks are confusing me. Maybe it's the bourbon, but anyway, are these the tags you won? Are the question marks the pending results of the hunt?

2023 ID OTC deer - ?
2023 CO muzzleloader pronghorn (first choice)- ?
2023 WY LE pronghorn (first choice) - ?
2023 WY LE mule deer (first choice) - ?
2023 CO first season elk (second choice) - ?
2023 WY LE elk (second choice) - ?
2023 WY leftover cow elk - ?
Yes, those are what I drew this year. I update the original post when the season concludes. The ID one that I crossed out was one I got but turned back in.
I have pictures today!

I also forgot to mention that this past weekend was my last scouting trip for CO. I have my day 1-4 plan figured out, so I needed to scout my day 5 plan. Turns out it’s a pretty good plan.

We also found a pretty nice black bear. First time my wife has seen a wild bear. I believe it was a sow, she had a slanted nose. She was feeding on oak brush at 10500’ in the open next to a steep hill. I also found the second largest buck I’ve ever laid eyes on in person. This unit is more of a deer unit and it did not disappoint in that category.

One more trip before season opener. Wife and I are going camping in my deer unit this weekend. Still haven’t seen any deer so the pressure is on.

Edit: sorry for the poor quality, didn’t realize how bad they were.


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So about that one last post about not finding deer but finding elk. That changed this weekend.

My wife and I had a camping trip planned. We got there extremely late but I decided to scout a hillside that borders a private ranch. I had waypoints over there, something felt right about that area.

My wife started to hear squeaking but the wind was very ripe, so I had a hard time hearing. After 10 minutes, it was very clear what it was. About 40-50 head came from the bottom, and the cows were mewing loudly. We stayed there for hours just listening and observing the herd. One thing about cows and calves I learned: they do not make the same sounds we make as hunters. You can learn so much just by watching and listening.

Seeing cows is kind of numb to me so I started glassing the hillside. Finally, two bucks on top of the hill. One was a nice 3 point buck and the other was a large 2 point that could grow a third by season start. That deer is in trouble if I find him next month. Pictures are terrible but they were on the move a lot.

Next week is pronghorn scouting trip, then the season opener. It’s almost time!!


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So about that one last post about not finding deer but finding elk. That changed this weekend.

My wife and I had a camping trip planned. We got there extremely late but I decided to scout a hillside that borders a private ranch. I had waypoints over there, something felt right about that area.

My wife started to hear squeaking but the wind was very ripe, so I had a hard time hearing. After 10 minutes, it was very clear what it was. About 40-50 head came from the bottom, and the cows were mewing loudly. We stayed there for hours just listening and observing the herd. One thing about cows and calves I learned: they do not make the same sounds we make as hunters. You can learn so much just by watching and listening.

Seeing cows is kind of numb to me so I started glassing the hillside. Finally, two bucks on top of the hill. One was a nice 3 point buck and the other was a large 2 point that could grow a third by season start. That deer is in trouble if I find him next month. Pictures are terrible but they were on the move a lot.

Next week is pronghorn scouting trip, then the season opener. It’s almost time!!
Nice pics dude I love seeing the elk! You’ll get something this year man I feel it. You’re putting in the work and you will be rewarded, just don’t give up. I really hate to go all cam Haynes on you so I’ll refrain from the end mantra, but remember weather, pressure, and terrain cannot stop you…. only YOU can stop you.
If you ever come hunt SW Montana I’d be honored to try and help you notch some big game tags!
Nice pics dude I love seeing the elk! You’ll get something this year man I feel it. You’re putting in the work and you will be rewarded, just don’t give up. I really hate to go all cam Haynes on you so I’ll refrain from the end mantra, but remember weather, pressure, and terrain cannot stop you…. only YOU can stop you.
If you ever come hunt SW Montana I’d be honored to try and help you notch some big game tags!
I appreciate that, and might hold you to that. Ironically, I’m already thinking about next year. I think I’m going to dump all my points in SD and hunt general. Montana is on my mind of general season elk.
Nice pics dude I love seeing the elk! You’ll get something this year man I feel it. You’re putting in the work and you will be rewarded, just don’t give up. I really hate to go all cam Haynes on you so I’ll refrain from the end mantra, but remember weather, pressure, and terrain cannot stop you…. only YOU can stop you.
If you ever come hunt SW Montana I’d be honored to try and help you notch some big game tags!
We must embrace the suck to play this game. I’d reckon more hunters occasionally golf than golfers who occasionally hunt. Because we know why to enjoy what others won’t. The freezing ick makes the ducks fly and snow improves tracking.

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