Grand poopa
OK, HEre's the deal... I only want STORIES posted in this thread. NO comments or suggestions. JUST STORIES...
Here's the RULES.
1.Put a NUMBER in front of your post and that will be the number people "VOTE" on. The numbers will progress as the stories go on.
2. You can Enter AS many stories as you want!!! We are just looking for GOOD CLEAN hunting stories. We hope that they are true..
3. # or words...I would say 100-200ish I don't have time to read 48 1000 word stories
get creative, let it flow! ie. the big, full bodied, tawny-colored, mass of a mountain cat...
4. SPELL checker Mandatory. (Therefore I won't enter it
5. 12PM MArch 1st is the LAst day that entries will be accepted. I will lock this thread after that. We will tell people how to vote and How long they have to vote on March 2nd.
1.Any Comments made that's not a story I will NUKE out ofthis thread. I want JUST the stories to go in here and The stories have to be in her to Win. I don't want to have to Search 10 different threads to read them
I will give the Winner a Cap, A cammo Fanny pack and a 20$ gift certificate to outdoor outfitters store that we will have up and running tomorrow and we will try to get it in a Magazine for puplishing. Moosie can Pull strings TOO!!! (OR BUY MY WAY IN!!
).... Sounds Good??!?!!?!?
Just shooting from the hip here.
ALSO I don't want the Responsibility of Voteing. We will let Each person on the Forum Send in a vote After ALL the posts are in and we will give an Email addy for the Private voteing at that time!!
You can CUT and PASTE your story in here if you have already posted it. If you don't know how, MAke a post that says were it is and I will Eddit your post and Paste it in here for ya.....
REMEMBER, MArch 1st is the last day!!!
ANY QUESTIONS, Ask Bcat or Sparkman.. They are running this show
<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
[This message has been edited by Moosie (edited 02-11-2001).]
Here's the RULES.
1.Put a NUMBER in front of your post and that will be the number people "VOTE" on. The numbers will progress as the stories go on.
2. You can Enter AS many stories as you want!!! We are just looking for GOOD CLEAN hunting stories. We hope that they are true..
3. # or words...I would say 100-200ish I don't have time to read 48 1000 word stories
4. SPELL checker Mandatory. (Therefore I won't enter it
5. 12PM MArch 1st is the LAst day that entries will be accepted. I will lock this thread after that. We will tell people how to vote and How long they have to vote on March 2nd.
1.Any Comments made that's not a story I will NUKE out ofthis thread. I want JUST the stories to go in here and The stories have to be in her to Win. I don't want to have to Search 10 different threads to read them
I will give the Winner a Cap, A cammo Fanny pack and a 20$ gift certificate to outdoor outfitters store that we will have up and running tomorrow and we will try to get it in a Magazine for puplishing. Moosie can Pull strings TOO!!! (OR BUY MY WAY IN!!
Just shooting from the hip here.
ALSO I don't want the Responsibility of Voteing. We will let Each person on the Forum Send in a vote After ALL the posts are in and we will give an Email addy for the Private voteing at that time!!
You can CUT and PASTE your story in here if you have already posted it. If you don't know how, MAke a post that says were it is and I will Eddit your post and Paste it in here for ya.....
REMEMBER, MArch 1st is the last day!!!
ANY QUESTIONS, Ask Bcat or Sparkman.. They are running this show
<LI> AKA Moose Hunter
[This message has been edited by Moosie (edited 02-11-2001).]