Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

The "MIKE ELK", What does it score.

I am having them ground up into powder and selling it to the Orientals who watched me shoot it. I figure I can get a couple hundred for them.
Yeah. It is going to get shoulder mounted. Unfortunately I have to find a different cape. The one on this one was all rubbed on the sides. I'm thinking of mounting it on a calf cape.
B&C scores are 375 all time and 360 to make the awards---I'm interested as we all are to see the measurements of this beast--again congrats to you WW and to the greenmeister--'ell of a bull---chris
Well I way over gessed Moosies & Greenhorns bulls this year, got Deerslayers right, but I was there in person.

I'll say 379 gross
362 net
Hell I was only 50 points off!! :eek: Don't ask me to give the other hat back Moosie.
Sorry W.W. - but I just don't see bulls like that in Washington!!
All the weight from these bulls is in their ass and not their horns!! Are you gonna have him taxidermied for the wall.
Well, I still have the horn stretcher on a couple of the shorter tines. When I am done, it should gross about 390 with no deduct.
I guess it depends on if Greenhorn's measurement is accurate enough, or if we want to wait for the 60 day drying period. I think there are about 3 people within 1 inch of guessing what Greenhorn came up with.
Yeah Kirkl, it was something like 312 or so.

I think Greenies score will do for now, but you can still let us know the official in a couple months!

Congrats again. Did you kill the biggest bull in MT this year? :eek:

Did you kill the biggest bull on Public land in MT this year? What did FGH's bull net?
Weekend Warrior--we'll take the net green score now(if you puhlease) and worry about the 60 day drying period score later---so did it eclipse the 370 mark????....chris
GH has the exact green score written down at his house. All I recall is it was right about 380 gross, 370 net. I would guess that he is probably plus or minus a few inches to what it will officially score.
Pretty dang awesome WW, i know serious elk hunters who never get a bull that big there whole lives off public nonpermit area land. I also saw your pics on cowboyheaven.com, i think the author is in love with you.

Mr. Dog

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