The hits just keep coming.......

Ray, I am leaving early in the am on September 1rst and will be gone until about the 10th.....actually about 13 days!

I had a dream last night...well, more like a vision ;) invovled big bulls and high 5's
Great talking to you Raybow! We'll defintely have to plan on sharing that campfire!......keep that hunt I told you of in mind and if things come together maybe the cooler weather will find us stalking big bulls sooner than later ;)

JB....may your pink fletching be bright red after the pass threw! Good luck, friend....DS
I can never get enough of them huntn stories. you know how it is, some of the stories we have are better than the actual hunt itself. I'm gonna push hard to make that campfire this year too. I am packing into an area I have never hunted this year so it oughta be interesting. Anyway, I'll give ya a call soon D.S. :D
Hey Ray, ...with all the big ass elk racks you have hanging' I am sure you have a never ending supply of stories to go with! I can tell talking to you that you are a "purist" and I like that. I don't like so much that I am older than you , but hell, being and old man has to have a price ;)

If we do make it to that hunt together this year, I'll see if I can't put you on one of those big ol' fat, mossy-horned muleys! Their hangin' in the nastiest country anywhere around that area but something tells me that would be no problem for you.....all I'd have to do is point and get the hell out of your way! :D
It wouldn't be any problem for me, but it would be for my fat a$$. Shoot, everyone tells me that after 40 the bear won't even touch yer butt. The meat is just too tough, and smells too rank!! :eek: I guess over 40 does have its benefits, unfortunately one of em aint runnin up that verticle slope. Kinda reminds me of a story now that I think about i!

You know the old bull young bull story right!!
Raybow... Is that were they were standing on a hill looking at some cows and the Litle Bull says He wants to Run down into a heard of 20 cows and Screw a cow and Run back up to the hill and the Big bull says let's walk down and Screw them all ? Jsut wondering ;)
Thanks Russ.....

...........Moosie, something tells me Raybow's rendition around the campfire come November will be much more colorful! ;)
Ray...........just got off the phone with you after an hour or so of conversation............and for some strange reason, I feel you and I have hunted together for years ;) ...............can't wait to share a campfire with ya and spill a few cold ones.........
Moosie: I can't tell ya cause I am sworn to secrecy by D.S.
If the old bulls told all the young bulls everything they know, they would never get any action. ;) But then again, a little JD and a lota beer seems to get them old bulls loosened up a little/
UH Moosie quit thinking like that!! That's not what I meant!!
D.S>; that's funny cause I thought that after the first conversation. Hey we gotta watch that Moosie/I think he's gonna try and slip one in on us! ;)
Moosie, I said quit thinking like that! :eek: :eek:
Uh, dear Lord please forgive Moosie for his fornicative thoughts about D.S. and I and be with the starvin pigmys down in New Guinea; Amen!!
Your dead on about Moosie, Ray! The last hunt I did with him he kept peeking at me in my lucky leopards when I wasn't looking......he doesn't know I know this but I do
..........there has been a lot of changes in my life since then.....and one is I ditched the lucky leopards and now go "Commando"! :eek:

............and don't worry Ray.....I always pack an extra wall tent on that hunt.........just in case someone needs a "timeout"!

Moosie......Ray has already UPSed his pint of blood to me for the "blood-oath" required on this'll need to get yours to me ASAP..
Raybo.... Getting of the Phone wit hDS in just an HOUR ? You're my Hero ;)

Commando ? Uhhhh And I was so looking foward to seeing your Leopards again

DS, I'll drop ya a line tonight...........
That's real surprising considering I was drawing wages while runnin my jaw. Kinda nice! Good thing I don't have a real job!
The only reason I quit talking was it was quiting time. HE HE. :D
How the hell can I get my work done and get ready for this trip if you guys keep callin' me and talking for hours?! :rolleyes:

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