The Gut Shark! Is it April fools day?

devon deer

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Devon, England
This is one of, no correct that, this is the worst deer gutting technique i have ever seen, and they are trying to sell it for $50!
If they are too worried about getting their hands dirty they should take up golf.
One of the first things i was ever taught was how to field dress a rabbit, followed by a deer. Perhaps they need to watch the gutless method as demonstrated by Big Fin, or just learn how to do it as i did.
What worried me was him stating, 'you can hose it out when you get home' great, so you spread all the bacteria from opening guts around the carcass, brilliant!
The Gut Shark, proudly made in the USA
It's much safer to keep the meat clean than to keep your hands clean. That was a grade "A" Hack Job. Couldn't even find a friend to work the camera.
The key is to carry a long-handled gut-shark hoe in your pack (with its jagged teeth and sharp blade) and to have a garden hose available in camp to wash out the cavity. 'Not gonna happen.

Nope ... 'think I'll pass on the gut-shark.
Why reinvent what already works

This is really dumb. When I want to gut a deer I just bring my weed whacker out of the garage and fire that up. Gets the job done, it's quick, and I don't get my hands dirty. Why reinvent what already works. :cool:
Not sure but I think he forgot to puncture the bladder, a little urine my help to wash out some of the stomach contents. Also, didn't see a bunch of little black pellets, that certainly couldn't have hurt could it. Glad I'm not eating it!
I think it would be easier to just use your riding lawn mower and mow the deer a few times. It would probably make a smaller mess of that poor deer.
I like to use one of these:


But before I do that I take the deer to the car wash and give it an enema. ;)

By the way, it's ok to hose out the cavity and wipe it down afterwords.
This is brilliant! I am going to make a video of me gutting an elk with a metal rake and call it the Gutshark, Hammerhead Edition (TM).

Obviously I have to trademark that, or one of you gabronies will steal the idea.

Might as well just use an ax.

How am i supposed to warm my hands up now????
Laugh it up... the dudes that patented the buttout tool and cough silencer laughed all the way to the bank.
We may laugh, or shake out heads in disbelief, but I bet that there are enough....uh....folks that will spend $50 on this gimmick to make a kill'n!

Maybe I may patent my pocket knife and name it something cool like "The Gut Knife" and make tens of dollars!
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