Caribou Gear

"The Great American Antler Boom"

Did anyone listen to the FreshTracks weekly where Marcus and Randy talked about this. One of the things that Marcus said in the beginning of the podcast in regards to the overharvest of birds and bigame in the late 1800's and early 1900's for commercial reasons was: "rather than put in place more regulations in the field, which may or may not make a difference, they regulated the commercial market." They went onto admit that this was a great benefit to certain species that were being hammered.
So with all the talk lately about Residents and NRs, MT mule deer, and season structures, etc.....why is this same idea not focused on more now as one of the medicines in the cabinet?? Randy and marcus discussed how the idea of making $ from shed hunting was pushing people into the woods and pressuring animals. Towards the end they kind of gingerly and in a "beat around the bush" way, acknowledged that this could apply to what they do, but quickly moved on. The commercialization of game in anyway needs to be more regulated. Including the regulation of "advocates for the pulbic land hunter".
Let's make it illegal to film the killing of animals on public land. That has allowed people to gain notoriety and get sponsors and make a living off of this combination. This has an impact on the critters. SO: "rather than put in place more regulations in the field, which may or may not make a difference...", let's regulate the commercial market more.
I've drank nearly 700 beers since last season. I'm just about ready.
What's your routine look like? Are you a steady trainer or do you like to "hammer" a couple times a week to get the reps in then recover the rest of the week? I feel like to be in peak performance I need to vary my game, keep the body guessing- but no breaks, no breaks, that's for quitters.
Guys around here absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEE chasing antlers on sleds or by foot from January to March in prime deer bedding areas. Then they complain on Facebook that all the deer will die when we get those -60s and deep snow...

Gotta get those sheds and post 'em up on those 306 Hunter FB groups!!!
Although I do enjoy shed hunting from time to time, I would love to see some regulation of the sale of antlers. It really has gotten quite absurd with "antler brokers" and such. As always, the connection between folks seeking social media fame and the folks ruining it for everyone is quite clear.
We've talked about this quite a bit amongst ourselves. It seems there's a lot of unexplored options. For example, make a shed hunting license that's needed for shed hunting on public lands in May. Put a tax on the sale of antlers. Nail the people who violate seasons with huge fines.

Take all of those proceeds and roll 100 percent of it into a fund that pays for winter range enforcement. IE hiring additional bodies. There isn't nearly enough bodies to adequately patrol winter ranges.
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