The Ghost and the Darkness


New member
May 7, 2002
Peoria AZ
One of my favorites.I have seen the Loins in Chicago when I was a kid, kind of cool to put a story to them.
Funter, The book on Patterson's life is a real good read. He must have been some kind of man. I saw another Africa flick yesterday, The Hunt for King Solomon's Mind with Stewart Grainger, a lot of neat footage shot before PETA was on the set!
I have seen the Loins in Chicago
Well, if you like looking at loins in your spare time I guess that's your business... ;)

I like this movie, too. "I'm going to sort it out." Nothing like a Brit to understate the situation. :D
I have not read the complete story yet,only parts that were included in other books.
Ghosts in the Darkness

I enjoyed that movie as well. Up close and personal, a big african male lion is something to behold. A few years ago when I was out helping with that remake of Where the Red Fern Grows, I had one of the animal trainers invite me up to see their bears. They had a large male griz, a male black bear and a male cub. I got in the pen with the black bear and have slides of my arm in his mouth, also have some slides of that fat little cub in my lap suckig on a bottle....pretty cool!

But back to the lions, they had an adult, black mained male lion in a cyclone fence area--one with electric wire around it. I walked two of my hounds in close on a lead to show them the big cat. Both dogs opened hard on the lion as he paced back and forth broadside. Then he stopped facing us and roared with the loudest, most dominant voice he had. I could feel the hot air come from his mouth. Now, it wouldn't be very fun to have that set of jaws close to you in the wild without a double barrel large bore rifle in hand. They claimed he weighed over 600 pounds, and I'd say he measured over ten foot from nose to tail, dwarfing any mountain lion I ever say by three fold. The mass of that animals was unreal.

To stand on one knee with rifle in hand and face a charge from one of those animals would surely be the thrill of a lifetime. But to dog those critters a horseback with free rain and license to kill would be tops.

Caribou Gear

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