Caribou Gear

The Duke

Maybe dumb question so this guy has bought this and other auction tags for sheep many times ?
Kinda makes me think maybe that should be limited also like the draw tags I know the $ do a lot of good for sheep but I think their are always folks with the means to buy the tags
Best Youtube comment:
How did I not think to read them.

Can we get a hunttalk award for best sarcastic youtube comment?

I gave it a swing but I'm sure it can be beat.

"I'm speechless what a beautiful ram.
I know when I think of a trophy I think of buying an auction tag. Paying an outfitter to scout and messing up my only part, pulling the trigger. Also the way you guys railroaded the commoner who drew the tag? Bravo 👏. I know there was a few hours edited out before the recovery I would love to see what happened after the bum shot and before the recovery. Don't be afraid to put content like this out. Hunting needs more gore!"
Wow..that's bad. As many shots as he was allowed to take and miss before getting it and getting an additional gun handed to him so he wouldn't have to reload, I can't see how this was "fair chase". Disgusting.
Look if these rich guys didn’t have auction tags so they could have almost exclusive opportunities no one would care about wildlife and it would all go extinct. Just ask them and they’ll tell you how great they are at conservation. It has nothing to do with filling a trophy room or showing off to other rich guys
If I ever win the lottery, I'm taking you on an all expense paid trip to the Sheep Show. I'd have a blast sitting in the peanut gallery and talking shit about everybody's shiny boots, starched jeans, and brand new - worn once a year - black Stetsons.

Don't get me started on the belt buckles.
Very debatable
One of the highlights of my hunting life is winning Idaho’s lottery sheep tag. The guides, friendemies and some others made the tag a PIA. Guide harassment at its finest. However, I had some great friends to tag along (one or two, not 14) and I achieved my main goal - sheep hunting with my sons. All for $20 ticket.


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It was pretty brutal to watch. I think that video could be used as an example of what we need to see less of on social media.
More social media, more influencers, and more exposure is not always a good thing.
One of the highlights of my hunting life is winning Idaho’s lottery sheep tag. The guides, friendemies and some others made the tag a PIA. Guide harassment at its finest. However, I had some great friends to tag along (one or two, not 14) and I achieved my main goal - sheep hunting with my sons. All for $20 ticket.
First of all I love it! What a cool experience.

I just have to say it has become the slippery slope we stand on. You have seen first hand the positive and negative of auction and raffle tags. We have discussed them. As you know I didn't always feel this way for the raffle tags. The more I see our system attacked by people who want more tags, the lack of accountability by organizations like SFW/BGF. The amount of money being spent on expo's, auctions, lobbying. The tag greed by guys who spend money on plains, hotels, raffles and the like but the same people can't stand to pay the game agencies more for licenses to manage animals. It seems like a big ick measuring contest. The whole thing has started to jade my views.
You know I usually trophy hunt but I seldom post photos. I choose to share them with a few buddies like yourself. We kill some stuff and have a great time. I just don't want to feel like I am caught up in what hunting has become.
I currently am only participating in auctions run by state game agencies where the accountability is verifiable. I choose to send donations to Org's and regularly beat myself up about my lack of volunteering.
No expensive dinners or meet and greet door fees. You likely have a different perspective having volunteered so much and seen the good first hand.
I have yet to convince anyone not to go to the expo's but I do say guys are approving of the system with your money.
That system is not the North American model to me. We can't expect Idaho not to auction/raffle our 200 best tags when they see the amount of cash being generated. Feel free to beat my opinions up but afterwards we should get together and discuss the nuances in person.
P.s. One day I'd like to see that ram of yours you lucky sob.
I can't bring myself to watch Doug Sayer's video after his so called "love" for the outdoors, but my question is this: does IDFG need an anonymous tip? Or is it just a shitty representation of Idaho hunters?
They're well aware of it I'm sure. The video was released in 2020 so the hunt is likely 2019. As much as we don't like the video nothing that happened was illegal (or at least that I'm aware of since I watched about 1 minute of the video and don't care to watch it again)
Just from the previous reviews it almost sounded like a party hunt type incident. Again, I really don't want to watch the video, my distaste for Doug Sayer can be seen in the thread that was already posted, but I know of other videos (mainly sturgeon fishing) where GUIDES in Hells Canyon were using illegal gear, and when I called in it was the first time IDFG had heard about it.
One of the highlights of my hunting life is winning Idaho’s lottery sheep tag. The guides, friendemies and some others made the tag a PIA. Guide harassment at its finest. However, I had some great friends to tag along (one or two, not 14) and I achieved my main goal - sheep hunting with my sons. All for $20 ticket.
What a stud of a ram.
Is he from Unit 11?
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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