Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

The Cliffs of Seduction

In an attempt to fool his prey our hero assumed the role of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Dressing as a goat and acting the part to the best of his ability his tactic seemed to be working. He upped his dance while singing to himself, "shake ya tail feathers."

Unbeknownst to our intrepid adventurer there where unintended consequences of wandering into the backcountry dressed "fluffy".

"Heeeeey Mr. Goat man. You being baaaad?" He herd in a high pitched lispy voice from the hippy camp just a little bit away. The predator had become prey.

If it's your thing high five. I ain't judging. if it's not there are always risks being the decoy.
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