The Brits return to Montana.

A fantastic over the pond adventure. Super that you and Stephen both were able to get deer.

Regarding your red deer....stag is the term for males, hind for female, calf for young of the year, I don't know what a pricket is?
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Popped out yesterday, red hind, calf and a pricket came out of the timber in pouring rain, she tried to get back to the timber but ended up against on old hay she lay.


Very Nice! A rolling rock gathers no moss...
Amazing story Richard! Glad you're safe. Was in suspense on FB then the Trump-inator dragged my attention away.

Great hunting experience and way to challenge the semi spot and stalk setting. Nice looking 4x or as easterners refer to deer as 8 pt.

Grats all around! Only aspect that bums me out a bit - It seems I may have lost my opportunity to personally meet you, least for the next couple years until we can pry you from foggy bottom! :) Was yammering with my wife about an England trip though it all boils down to the almighty Benjamin's ($100 bills).
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She will fill the freezer just fine. How often are you able to get out to the field when you are at home? Do you plan on using one of those 30-06 elk rounds for a red stag soon?
you should post your buck pictures over on the Nosler thread in the Ammunition & Reloading area, that is a beautiful white tail buck
Sounds like you had a great trip (except the incident at the range!). Thanks for the report.
Really enjoyed your post. Brought memories of my time in service when we were with some crazy Brits. Glad you "safely" enjoyed your time.
Thanks chaps, we had a great time.
I have plans on using up my 180's on the deer i have here, namely, Red, Fallow and Roe, everything in season now except Roe Bucks.

Whilst in Montana my wife told me my local city of Exeter was on fire, she wasn't joking, one of the oldest hotels and several shops were destroyed, heartbreaking, but if you turn around you see the beauty of our cathedral.


It is very important to me that the Brits felt welcome in the States and enjoyed their adventure. Sorry about the Canadian mishap. They are usually a somewhat competent people. Thanks for sharing your story and cheers from Texas.
It is very important to me that the Brits felt welcome in the States and enjoyed their adventure. Sorry about the Canadian mishap. They are usually a somewhat competent people. Thanks for sharing your story and cheers from Texas.
We have always been made to feel very welcome.

I felt i had to differentiate between the people on the range, so it wasn't my English friend, or a local Montana guy, it was a visiting Canadian, i totally accept we all have careless shooters in all our countries, accidents happen, that's all part of being human, but these incidents can be reduced by receiving basic safety lessons from the first day we pick up a gun can't they.


Great story and glad you had some success. I been to England many times on business and always wondered what hunting there would be like.

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