The Brits Elk

Many thanks for all the kind words.
You are such a great bunch of like minded people, no matter what country we live in we are all clearly passionate about our hunting.

Getting my gun home was easy peasy, why? Because the Delta staff in Bozeman are used to dealing with guns!
Getting my trophy back, i have no idea at the moment, the last time a friend just risked it and sent it in a cardboard box, it made it and takes pride of place in my home.
But even my odd shaped Elk isn't exactly small and inconspicuous, so it could be interesting.

How can i not come back?
Short answer is i have to come back, did someone mention pronghorn?;)

Now where should i apply, Montana or Wyoming?

Next time i will have my non hunting wife with me, i need to keep her busy while i go hunting, any suggestions?
BTW, she refuses to drive in the USA as you drive on the wrong side of the road (which confuses me because i often tell her back in the UK get on the correct side of the road!) i only got blasted once in Montana when i cut a guy up on my first day, oh and i ran a stop sign so my passenger informed me:eek:

So family stuff to do this weekend then hunting next week, whilst i was away all the female deer came into legal hunting season.


Congrats, Richard! It's been fun reading about your trip. All the stuff leading up to it and the actual trip with the little "hiccups" thrown in ending up with a great bull. You have accomplished more than quite a few of us here have, and we don't have to cross the pond to do it! I've been out West twice for elk and have gone home both times without firing a shot. Probably won't be a third time, but never say never, right? I join the rest when I say I hope you keep coming back to enjoy the many fine critters we have here in the States. Well done, indeed!
Great adventure. There is no way to describe to someone who has never done it the feeling of hunting Elk. The guys on here are definitely a good bunch of people.
I'm super stoked you had such a good trip! Well done! Your appreciation for what you were able to do is apparent in your smiles. Thanks for sharing the story and pics.
Congratulations. You are an inspiration.
I predict your wife will have a splendid time "Out West."
Richard and this Hunt Talk thread made the news.

Disarmed and dejected: Montanans, web readers come to aid of British elk hunter

“In panic mode I put up a thread on Hunt Talk asking for help, and what a great bunch you are!” Jackson wrote to the chatroom. “You came out of the woodwork offering ammo and even rifles! Only you guys can appreciate the elation I felt at getting my first elk and the generosity of my hunting partner letting me shoot it when he could so easily have done it himself.”

As for the return flight, Jackson wrote “Getting my gun home was easy-peasy. Why? Because the Delta staff in Bozeman are used to dealing with guns!”
I saw that in the Missoulian this morning. Pretty cool that they wrote an article about ya Devon Deer.

It's one of those squishy feel-good stories. But a rare subset of the squishy feel-good that involves guns and something getting killed.
Richard, you're famous!

Sorry I missed Kat's posting of this. Love the story. :) Well done Hunt Talk!
This was awesome! I missed the thread or id have offered what I could but with everyone coming together like this I don't think I would have needed to. Congrats on the elk! Awesome story to read.
Hi Richard, I just joined On Your Own Adventures after reading your story in the local on line news paper. I’m so glad you got your elk, many hunted don’t even see an elk during the season and I consider all elk “trophy” even cows.

I’d like to tell you about my hunt in your home country of England. A few years ago my wife and I were approaching our 35th wedding anniversary and we wanted to do something special. We didn’t have the money to take a proper honey moon when we were married all those years before, so we considered this also our belated honey moon. After discussing possible destinations we both agreed a tour of England and Scotland would make us both happy. While on a fishing trip in Idaho I picked up a hunting magazine that was new to me and in it was an article about hunting Sika and Roedeer in England. I wasn’t aware that there was hunting in England and I connected the “guide” mentioned in the article after an internet search. He was very pleasant and open to having us join him for some hunting after our official tour. He wasn’t especially happy about the timing of our visit since it wasn’t the best time for either species. It was after the Roedeer rut and before the Sika rut. Well sometimes you must make due with that is available - so we arranged to take the train from London to Dorchester in the south of England.

I was offered either a .30-06 or a .270 with a sound suppressor to hunt with. Of course hunting with the sound suppressor won out immediately as this was an experience in it’s self. In the end we had a few wonderful days of enjoyable hunting roaming the English countryside. I ended up getting two nice Roedeer and a nice Sika, which would be a Silver medal by European standards I was told. I also got one cull Sika and three foxes. Everywhere I went I saw some sort of a local hero for getting the first fox at 250 yards, which all the farmers thought was an extraordinary distance (not all that far for someone in the Rocky Mountain West). They were as pleased about the foxes I got as a western rancher would be if you shot so many wolves out of their pastures. All in all it was a great time and we have become great friends with our host. My wife enjoyed the relaxing time while we were out hunting and visiting castles and local venues in the middle of the day when David and I were not hunting. I thought I would share my England experience with you. Glad you were able to visit Montana and have a successful elk hunt.
That's great, you joined as a result of my hunt, Big Fin will be pleased he got something out of me for being a member on his forum, when i have got so much out of his forum!

I really appreciate how fortunate i was in connecting with an Elk on my second visit to Montana.

Glad you had a great hunt in England, you have done something i haven't, i have never shot a Sika, but i have only tried once.

I used to shoot a lot of foxes, using a spotlight at night when everyone else was tucked up in bed i would be out until stupid 'o' clock!

Do you remember the full name of the UK guide?
PM me if you like, i might know him.


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