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Texas hart shot ?


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Texas heart shot ?

So lets say it's the last day of your hunt, and a good bull gives you nothing but his rear end, walking straight away, close range.
Do you take the shot, up the kester ?
At close range, Im shooting away, Id probably look for a back of the neck shot first if its close then texas heart shot 2nd.
sounds funny but i usually carry calls with me around my neck.. i would blow the first one i could grab while i am aiming at him ,hopefully he would turn to look and allow me to
give him a kiss of death !!
A-con, really depends on what I'm shooting.

I wouldnt do it with anything less than a 250 grain nosler partition from a 338 or larger. I wouldnt bet money on even that combo reaching vitals...thats a lot of animal to go through...plus...if you're off just a bit...its going to get ugly. I think I'd try something like sageghost suggests and wait for a better angle...even with a 338. Sometimes its just better to go without than chance it, IMO.

Do it with a dirty-ought-six, 270, etc. you'll be going home without either way...so you may as well let him walk...

Thats the exact reason why people who shoot small calibers are fooling themselves...they'll take the iffy shot with an iffy caliber rather than let them walk. Yet, one of their first lines of defense in the small caliber debate is how careful they are of their shots. This is also the reason I think that elk calibers start with the 30 caliber and 180 grain (well constructed) bullets.

I have done it twice, once was a doe with .50 cal blackpowder and 245 gr jacketed HP......dropped her in her tracks. Other time I did it was with a .223 on a mature 4x4 muley shooting 65 grain hollowpoint at about 300 yds as he was running away from me on a big sage flat, knocked his ass on the ground also, split his pelvis and folded up like a cheap kite....both animals had to be finished off but they did'nt go 10 ft. Neither shot however was anything thought of, more or else instinct to pull up and shoot, similar to flushing a bird. Split second decision, POW!
good gun and bullet 270 or larger i would put it in the back of the neck tex heart is messy and ruins meat but a good expanding bullet puts them down fast if in the neck here in mt i saw a gut kill his deer and elk with 22mag so if you know your gun and load your in good shape
If we are talking close range, under 150 yds or so, I would be shooting for the spine to anchor them. My son did it last fall at about 300 yds on a 5 pt bull. He missed the spine but broke the hip ball and socket. Bull went right down. Got right back up but could not make it further than 50 yds or so. Finisher was applied. This from a .260 with 125 gr. partitions at about 2950 FPS.
Yeah, whats close?

40 yards the "dirty-ought-six will bark and he will drop in his tracks cause I"ll hit him at the base of the tail and crush his spine/backbone/etc....

At 15 yards a sharp broadhead just above the hole too!
Depends on what I'm shooting...Chances are I'll be carrying my 9.3 x 62 with 250 gr. Barnes X bullets, in which case I'll fire away... In fact I took a bull moose last fall in New Brunswick with and identical shot... I had to walk up and finish him, but he wasn't going anywhere....
How close is close? I carry different rifles, sometimes each day. I could have either a 7 mm mag with 175 grn, a 338 wm with 250 grn or a 375 H&H with 300 grn. Hell I may even have my 458 wm with a 500 grn. I have taken a shot likt that, and don't rightly know if I would.
"I have taken a shot likt that, and don't rightly know if I would."

I assume thats a typo? I think with a 458 and some hard cast solids from 25 yards you would be set to drive it straight out the chest...that would be really cool.

I I was shooting a 50 BMG with 750 grain solids....yeah.
I don't believe I could. I have not had to make that decision yet but I just don't think I could. I shoot a .340Wby so I have no doubt its capable but I think too many things could go wrong.
I have more respect for the animal than that...Granted that I have never shot a bull elk,,but even at that, I would not shoot an animal in the ass...

I would actually turn down a broadside shot in hopes of getting a perfect Texas Heart Shot bulls eye opportunity. I actually carry a whistle around my neck in case they don't turn away from me on their own.