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tent suggestion


Well-known member
May 31, 2022
The wild west
Im looking for council on an upcoming early november hunt. My dad drew a pretty decent deer tag for second season CO. We were originally going to get a cabin, but plans have changed. We are now likely planning on doing a truck camp. I will eventually split off and do my own truck camp in a different unit.

I currently have a Napier Sportz SUV tent and planned on sleeping in the bed, dad would sleep in the tent with a cot. We have the necessary sleeping equipment. Dad and I had a debate that he's worried about getting too cold, which I do understand. I had proposed buying a Mr Buddy but he doesnt want the condensation.

Do I:
a. stick with what I got and buy a mr buddy heater
b. stick with what I got and add a stove jack to it (it's a polyester tent, i would take the necessary precautions)
c. buy a teepee tent with a floor and stove jack
c1. what brand teepee tent has a sewn floor and a stove jack? This is what i really want but I cant find that checks the boxes
I’ve done CO 2nd the last 10 yrs or so and it can be huge swings. I’ve done seasons with lows at 30 and I’ve done seasons with 2ft snow blizzard conditions and lows in -10 range. I’d say it averages out to lows in the teens as the norm but all will depend where and elevation of course. I’ve done the nylon deal with no issue and froze on occasions. I now Trend a canvas wall tent. Lots folks love the kodiak canvas and the 10x10 would work for just 2.

No teepee experience/expert here so I cannot help there but will be interested what the crowd says.
You state "no cabin", but you might reserve a hotel reservation for a night or two to start after you have been hunting for four-five days. It would give you a break and let you dry out clothes, etc. if the weather is tougher than you planned. A good night or two of real rest might be just the ticker to allowing you to stay for a longer time to hunt. Dad might appreciate it too.

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