
Tell me what tire chains to buy. Again...

IIRC you should be able to get them on all four on a Jeep. Needing all four means you grossly overestimated your abilities, grossly underestimated the conditions, a little of both, or you’re just going full on trailblazer mode.
Not true. If you know mountains and how to drive, chained all four isn't "trailblazer" mode. Maybe need a disclaimer here. mtmuley
Not true. If you know mountains and how to drive, chained all four isn't "trailblazer" mode. Maybe need a disclaimer here. mtmuley
Yeah, my humor probably wasn’t reflected all that well in text. For some it is, others it’s just travel mode. I’ve had years where it seemed like all I did was chain up.

I will add the disclaimer that if you’re chained on all four and get stuck, and don’t have a winch, you have your work cut out for you.
I use v bar on my full size dodge and a short square shovel that is the width of my tire . Dig ruts for your tires to follow out of the shit.
I also like the cam lock design. I still carry some of the snubbers too, just in case. Sometimes its hard to get them tight initially, especially if you’re already stuck.
Along with snubbers a few feet worth of pra cord really helps snug these up when you install them in the dirty crap snow your burried yourself in... once out of the chit show then you can re arrage the chains to fit more correctly...

Also please for all that is jeeply... install the chains prior to leaving on the trip to make sure tou know what you’re doing
I would doubt it. I’ve never seen it south of the Montana border.
Damn, I knew I should’ve bought more of them last March when I was out there but I think I’d drank like 18-24 of them by the end of the week so I was kinda burned out.
I still ski the cold smoke every time I deflate my sleeping pad.
This is what I bought for my 4x4 Ford Ranger last year. Crawled out of a drifted-in ditch very easily. Easy to take on and off, and storage bags and tools included. They came in v-bar as well I thought that was a bit excessive for my uses. I have 2 2x4 boards and rachet straps if I really get in a jam.
OP what did you decide?

For my Nissan Frontier I have a pair of low-profile cable-style chains for the front and some heavy V-bars for the rear. They've just sat in the bed as dead weight on my trips for the past 3 years. But I'm a coward about getting stuck. And also I'm there to hunt not bang around on rough roads all day so if it gets rough I just start walking. I figure one day I'll want to travel through some serious rough stuff but for now I've managed to avoid it.

Good luck on your adventure.
This is what I bought for my 4x4 Ford Ranger last year. Crawled out of a drifted-in ditch very easily. Easy to take on and off, and storage bags and tools included. They came in v-bar as well I thought that was a bit excessive for my uses. I have 2 2x4 boards and rachet straps if I really get in a jam.
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Do you have 2 or 4?

Is there any chance of those v bars getting wedged in between a lug or flipping upside down and messing up the tire tread?
Do you have 2 or 4?

Is there any chance of those v bars getting wedged in between a lug or flipping upside down and messing up the tire tread?
I have 4. I had the same thoughts about V-bars which are additional reasons I didn’t get them.
OP what did you decide?

For my Nissan Frontier I have a pair of low-profile cable-style chains for the front and some heavy V-bars for the rear. They've just sat in the bed as dead weight on my trips for the past 3 years. But I'm a coward about getting stuck. And also I'm there to hunt not bang around on rough roads all day so if it gets rough I just start walking. I figure one day I'll want to travel through some serious rough stuff but for now I've managed to avoid it.

Good luck on your adventure.
If @ElkFever2 says it’s ok to spend money on something you do it.
Decided to play it better safe than sorry on this one.
And who doesn’t like a good chaining up story?
I ended up going with the twist links for all 4.

Does this look right?
Also thanks for help @MTLabrador
It's a Jeep for heaven's sake!
According to all the Jeep tv commercials they can just blast through the worst ice and snow conditions on the planet with the kids and the dog in the backseat while doing 60mph going to grandma's house all in stock form. :rolleyes:
Jeep is the superior mid size truck even though you guys think it’s the 6.5 of mid size trucks.

Hope it works out well for you. Just remember to pull forward a couple feet after you put them on, and then tighten it up again. Usually there’s a little more slack you can get out after doing that.