Caribou Gear Tarp

Tell Me About Your Bow Kills

One of the hardest game animals for me to try and get out of treestand is a Rooster Pheasant. I guess if birds of prey are trying to kill you, you have a tendency to look up constantly.
I mostly bow hunt
furthest shot was probably close to 40 yrds whitetail buck
closest shot 12 feet black bear yea I didnt want him that close lol
Average shot around 25 yrds
Well I now can contribute to my own thread…

Shortest Shot - 21 yards (whitetail doe)
Longest Shot - 21 yards (whitetail doe)
Average Shot - 21 yards (whitetail doe)

I now understand how people can become addicted to chasing animals with a bow. What a rush…even if there were no antlers involved.

Farthest - 95 yards, antelope heart shot
Closest - 5 yards, elk also heart shot
On average maybe 40 yards (total guess over several dozen archery kills)
I've archery hunted annually for 39 years and lost 3 deer due to bad hits during archery that I'm fairly certain died. 2 whitetails, a buck and a doe, and one mule deer doe. Only one of those shots would be frowned upon by the ethics police.
The embarrassing statistic that I hold is rifle shot bears that I have no clue what happened - a couple at extra close range.
I've personally seen far more rodeos with bullets than arrows, but have heard a lot of bad archery losses.

I shoot extra light arrows with 100 grain fixed blade tips from a very well tuned bow (310+ fps). Have shot expandable head in past with good results, but with the right fixed and your bow set correctly, no need to worry about more moving parts. I don't mess with a dial sight, use 7 pins. For all my hunting, it seems to work best for me.
Curious what made you settle on extra light arrows at 310+fps? I know that was a fad in the early 2000’s, you just don’t see a lot of guys doing it anymore. Has worked well for you.
My longest shot was 63 yards - Bull Elk
My closest shot was 20 yards - Whitetail buck.
Average shot distance for me is probably between 40-50 yards.

I have killed elk, whitetails, mule deer, and antelope with my bow. Archery hunting is my passion. I shoot my bow a lot and am very comfortable shooting out to 60 yards.
Killed my first deer with a bow 22 years ago. High country compound with easton aluminum arrows and a zwickey 2 blade head. In that time I can't remember exactly how many deer I've killed with a bow but at least 40, probably a dozen pigs, couple turkey and coyotes and a pronghorn also missed one elk.

Longest was a 51 yard shot at a deer.
Shortest was 4 yards on a turkey (on deer 9).
I would say my average is somewhere between 25-30 yards.

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