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Tell me about fletching...both your facts and opinions wanted

Anyone use or try the 1 piece fletchings like NAP Speedfletch? Seems like an easier way to do it for someone starting out.

No. The blitzenbuger jig or others is pretty simple to use. There’s videos out there how to adjust them, and how high up to set the vanes as well.
I have a Jo-Jan helical 6 arrow fletching tool, I use three 2 inch blazers and they shoot fine with fixed blades. I also have used the Arizona EZ fletching tool and it worked well but is harder to keep clean. I believe going with helical fletching gives the best fixed broadhead flight.
I should update...arrows spin counterclockwise but I may have my bow restrung so that could change. I learned that most bows will naturally want to spin counterclockwise due to the way the strings are spun. I have decided to give AAE Max Hunters a try first. The local shop has some.

I also ordered white reflective wraps from OneStringer. They'll be here on Monday. A buddy and I are going to mess with those later
The AAE vanes are great but can be finicky. They want you to use their proprietary glue and prep pen but it’s not necessary. I’ve found that if you take 400 grit paper and hit the bottoms with a few passes and clean them with alcohol they adhere just fine. I’m using platinum fletch tight and have had no issues.
A group of us did some not so scientific testing leading up to our Montana hunt. Basically we filmed and audio recorded a few different combinations - shot arrows straight over the camera etc. Blazers were definitely the noisiest. I’d been using 3 x 4” killer vanes, which still are a favourite, but we went with 3 x 3” vanes on a Blitenburger with a much helical as possible. They fly like darts and were most consistent with accuracy out of our bows.
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Some people say Fletch with the natural twist of the arrow and frankly I've done it and fletched opposite of the rotation and I just didn't see a difference in accuracy. Others results may vary and If it makes you more confident then by all means do it. As far as helical or straight I run helical because that's the jigs i bought. I've also run straight offset with good results. I run my vanes at a 2 degree offset. The bigger the blade the more helical you will need to properly stabilize but you will also lose more speed at longer distances.

I like longer lower profile vanes over shorter high profile vanes like blazers. I currently run aae max stealth vanes. I'm a 3 vane. I have run q2i fusion x2 in 4 vane (which is shorter and lower than a max stealth). One thing to take into consideration is vane weight. Some guys run 4 huge vanes on the back that can be 40+ grains on the back of the arrow.

I do like a 4 Fletch for the extra clearance for a slider sight and extra stabilization for bigger heads. I think you just need to pick your vanes correctly for it. There's lots of vanes and all work in the correct setup and situation.
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