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Tell me a story about your dad. ( Father's Day Thread )

I have to be honest reading dad stories gets me a bit choked up and even thinking of mine more as others have said I was one of the lucky guy to have a great dad and 28 yrs have passed so fast their are still times I wish I could talk to him and ask hey pop what do ya think about this
Ive told others when they have lost theirs it gets easier but the world is never the same when your dads not here any more
My dad and I never really had any common interests. We did a few things together but not a whole lot like others have told stories of. A couple things stick in my mind, especially with the passing of Willie Mays. When I was 10 years old in 1962 the old man came and busted me out of school and took me to the Giants World Series game in San Francisco. Someone had given him a couple tickets and he came and got me out of school. I'm sorry to say that I don't remember the game but I sure remember him coming to my school and freeing me for the day. He passed away here at home early June just before Father's Day 2007.

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