Kenetrek Boots

Teddy Washburn


Well-known member
Dec 26, 2009
Not Virginia anymore!
actually sent me a personal letter requesting a phone date to discuss corner crossing. I doubt I'll change his mind on this issue, or any of the others popping up this year, but at least I'll get uninterrupted access to his earhole for a few minutes. Anyone got messages they'd like me to forward along to Mr. Washburn?
Thank him on the wolf bill HB 73 as he was a sponsor along with Flynn.

Maybe we could point out that the corners could be marked in some way.

I'm concerned about the lack of evidence required (just a photo that can easily be faked) in the proposed civil trespass law. If you could relay that onto him I'd appreciate it as he's out of my district.
Yes. Please ask him if he is related to Larry Washburn who lives in southwestern Indiana. Larry was a co-worker of my fathers, helped him get his first deer, and was quite the character. He was about 6' 5", at least 400#, and looked like Bluto from the Popeye cartoons. He once had to go to the hospital to have a 20#ish tumor removed. Turned out to be just an infected hair. The story goes it took 3 bath towels to contain the pus once it was lanced. He was not a fan of George Bush Sr. So much so, he trained is mutt of a house dog to growl, snarl, and show its teeth at the mere mention of his name. Even as large and strong as he was, his buddies found great sport in trying to hold him still while someone tickled his big 'ol belly button. Reason for it being funny, is that it would make Larry vomit!! Once while at WalMart, Larry saw his wife squatted down to look at something on the bottom shelf. He snuck up behind her, bent over and farted loudly on the back of her head! Much to his surprise when he turned around it wasn't his wife!! Oh, there's more...

So, please ask him if he's related to Larry Washburn from southwestern Indiana. I can provide more specific location information if that is needed. Thank you.
This thread is now about Larry Washburn farting on random people
No it's not! ;) :D It's about a future phone call with Teddy Washburn. I just want to know if he knows Larry. If you didn't know, at one time, in a powerplant where he worked Larry had a pet mouse. He would walk with with a small harness and leash he made out of twine.
actually sent me a personal letter requesting a phone date to discuss corner crossing. I doubt I'll change his mind on this issue, or any of the others popping up this year, but at least I'll get uninterrupted access to his earhole for a few minutes. Anyone got messages they'd like me to forward along to Mr. Washburn?

If you want I can probably set up a conference call, and maybe we can get rhomas on the other line for a little back up. He's pretty persuasive...
Thank him on the wolf bill HB 73 as he was a sponsor along with Flynn.

Maybe we could point out that the corners could be marked in some way.

I'm concerned about the lack of evidence required (just a photo that can easily be faked) in the proposed civil trespass law. If you could relay that onto him I'd appreciate it as he's out of my district.

X2 Thanks
Do you have a copy of the legal Memorandum written by Goetz Law Firm specific to this bill? If not, you can find it at under 2013 legislature. His statement to me was that the bill had the wrong sponsor. Washburn told me in the fall that we needed a bill allowing corner crossing and I told him we would support it if he wanted to move it forward. Never heard anymore from him about it. Hopefully he won't say that it has already been ruled unconstitutional as others are doing. Only the Supreme Court can make that ruling and they have not heard a case specific to corner crossing.

Good Luck!
This thread is now about Larry Washburn's pet mouse
He wasn't quite Green Mile fixated with the mouse, but according to my dad they were quite attached. ;) Larry worked in the operations center of one of the largest coal fired generation stations in the US. It produces ALOT of power. So much so, that on 9/11 two jets were scrambled to circle the place in an effort to keep it from being bombed. Working in operations is a pretty important job and the highest paid union position in the plant. Larry got into a bit of trouble as his supervisor noticed he nodded off to "sleep" quite often, even during day shift. He called Larry into his office to give him a quite stern talking to. During the session, Larry nodded off!! Remember I said he was a big guy; real big. Medical tests showed that he wasn't falling asleep, but was actually passing out for brief periods. His heart couldn't pump enough O2 to his brain at times and he'd go down! Kinda like sleep apnea, even when awake.

He was quite a drinker as well. He had a theory on how pints of whiskey should be drank...
This thread is now about Larry Washburn's inability to get oxygen to his brain.
When younger, the shift my dad worked on, which Larry was also on, would have 'bayou parties' after the last shift of a 5 day run. They would cross the river to the nearest town, which was only about 10-15mins away, to buy some beer or spirits. They would then meet at a turnout on the IN side of the river, drink and sorta just hang out. For these festivities, Larry would buy a pint of Wild Turkey and a case of beer. However, no one ever saw him drinking the Turkey. So, one night my dad and the guy who rode with him to work followed Larry back to the bayou. Upon leaving the liquor store parking lot they notice Larry throwing something out the window. They saw him take 2 drinks of something all the while chain smoking cigarettes. They counted 7 spent butts in the short trip back to the bayou, but still didn't see the whiskey, so the inquired about it. What had gotten tossed out fo the window was the bottle cap. Larry was of the opinion that pints were small enough they should never be turned up more than TWICE! That's why they'd never seen him drink the whiskey, it was all gone in the 10min ride back to the bayou.

Then there was the time he got tangled in some grapevines...
This thread is now about Larry Washburn two turning a bottle of Wild Turkey
Yeah, does he know Larry Washburn?

My dad and Larry had permission to hunt the same farm. One day as my dad was walking in, he ran into Larry as he was walking out. It was about 1pm. Dad was a bit perplexed why he was leaving then so asked. Larry responded that he had hunted that morning until 9 and then got down to leave. Now remember Larry was a very rotund individual. He related that on the way out he got his feet tangled in some vines and fell as he was coming down a steep pitch. He fell so that his head was pointing downhill and his feet were VERY, VERY tangled in the vines. He said it took him awhile, to get flip face side up but on the hill he couldn't sit up far enough to reach his feet to untangle them. All in all it took him nearly three hours to get himself untangled and upright enough to walk out. He said he could only struggle for a little bit before tiring and having to lay there and rest. I don't think Gordon's Hill has every been the same...