Team Playoff Question


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Ok, Senario : Game is Dodgeball.

I have 18 teams. 5 minute games. I want at least 2 mins in between but for ease I calculate in 5 mins. (So 10 mins for 4 games) I have 2 courts running at the same time.

I broke out the teams so with the 18 teams playing once it takes 30 mins :

Court 1 6:30
Team 1
Team 2

Court 2
Team 3
Team 4

Court 1 6:37
Team 5
Team 6

Court 2
Team 7
Team 8

Court 1 6:44
Team 9
Team 10

Court 2
Team 11
Team 12

Court 1 6:51
Team 13
Team 14

Court 2
Team 15
Team 16

Court 1 6:58
Team 17
Team 18

Court 2
Team 1
Team 5

So now my delema starts. I have 2 nights to play this tournament. I can go from 6:30 - 10:30. What is the best way to set this up so the most teams play the most people but as the teams get better they play other teams that are winning and the teams that are losing play each other.

I DON'T want a single elimination type deal like March Madness or like that. If we had 4 days we could have Everyone against everyteam and then have a top 4 playoff, but the time jsut isn't there. For everyone to play once, it's 1/2 hour, as you see above. With 18 teams, thats 9 hours. At the end I want playoffs so thats another 20 mins. So if I ran it back to back I'm in this 9.5 hours (Engineerically speaking)

Did I explain what I wanted to do clear enough ? Ask if you have any questions, post if you have a solution. I mean really.. Not all of the smart guys are out hunting, are they ?!?!!
OK Moosie,

I have 2 possible solutions, with one more complicated than the other.

The first solution would be to find a place where you could run more than 2 courts. Could you play at more than one place and as you get less teams, move to 1 place??

The second solution is a bit more complicated, so stay with me. With 18 teams, it takes 9 games for everyone to play once. You have a schedule that you showed set up where you can fit those 9 games into a half an hour. You have 4 hours each day to play. OK?

So, here we go. On day 1, have everyone play 8 games (select opponents randomly, if you want.) That will take care of day 1. Now, take the top 8 teams (by their record) to move onto the championship bracket. The other 10 teams will move onto the consolation bracket. You seed the teams in each bracket based upon their day 1 record.

On day 2 (the elimination day) only run 1 court for more fans/pressure.

On day 2, have the 10 team consolation bracket play a double elimination tournament to get the winner of the "losers". That will require 18 (or 19) games, which should take just under 2 hours (5 games per half hour).

Then start the chamionships. The 8 team championship bracket plays a double elimination tournament to find the actual champion. This will require 15 (or 16) games, which should take about 1 1/2 hours. This still leaves you with a half an hour or so for awards/celebration/party time. With my plan, every team is guaranteed to play at least 10 games.

Here are some printable brackets for both an 8 team and 10 team tournament.

8 team Championship bracket:
8 team Bracket

10 Team Consolation bracket:
10 Team Bracket

All I can say is, its a good thing I broke my ankle or I wouldn't be here to help you. Since I helped you out, you may name the Championship Trophy after me!!!
Here is how you set up Day One.

Methodist Pool
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
Team 4
Team 5

Baptist Pool
Team 6
Team 7
Team 8
Team 9
Team 10

Catholic Pool
Team 11
Team 12
Team 13
Team 14

Lutheran Pool
Team 15
Team 16
Team 17
Team 18

Each team plays every other team in their pool in order to establish Win/Loss records.

In a 5 Team Pool like the Methodists the games are
4-5 for a total of ten games to get the Pool Standings.

In a 4 Team Pool like the Catholics the games are
13-14 for a total of six games to get the Pool Standings.​

Therefore, the first night is a total of 32 games.
Methodists need 10 games
Baptists need 10 games
Catholics need 6 games
Lutherans need 6 games

In order to get 32 games with a 5 minute game and a 3 minute warm-up you have 8 minutes from Game start to next Game start for 256 total minutes, or 128 minutes per court, or, just slightly over 2 hours to do the first night's activity.

Keep track of the Wins and Losses in each pool. Any teams with identical records in the pool will play again in order to break each tie.

The Top 2 teams in each bracket go to the Bishop's Bracket for Night 2, the remaining teams in each bracket go to the Relief Society Bracket for Night 2.

After the first night, you get the top 2 teams from each pool and they move on to the Bishop's Bracket.

The worst team in each bracket, after all tie breakers have been played move into the Loser Pool.

Teams that are not in the Bishop's Bracket or the Loser Pool are in the Relief Society Bracket ( These are 3rd place teams in each bracket and the 4th place teams in the 5 team brackets.)

On Night 2, in the Bishop's Bracket you have 8 teams playing for the Championship in a Double Elimination format, and require 15 games on Court One.

On Court Two, you have the bottom team from each of the 4 brackets play a "Loser Pool" in Round Robin Style in order to find the "best Two" of the "Worst Four". This would require 6 games on Night 2.

The Best Two in the Loser Pool are then moved into the Relief Society Bracket with the other 6 teams who did not make the Bishop's Bracket, but were better than having to play in the Loser Pool. This would require 15 games on Night 2

You then need 15 games to crown the Consolation winner from the Relief Society Bracket.

So, worst case for a team that is really bad, they would play 3 games the first night in Pool Play and get sent to the Loser Pool on Night 2. On Night 2, they would get 3 more games before heading home. They get 6 games total.

A team that is pretty bad, goes to the Loser Bracket, advances from the Loser Bracket into the Relief Society Bracket gets 8 games, minimum, maybe more if they win in the Relief Society Bracket.

A team that wins all their games gets 3 (or 4) the first night, then be in the Bishop's Bracket. They would then get a minimum of 2 games on Night 2 or up to 4 or 5 depending on how they win and lose in the Bishop's Bracket. Worst case is they get 5 games.

Number of Games on Night 1 is 32 games in Pool play plus tie breaking games.

Number of Games on Night 2 is
Loser Pool 6 games
Relief Society Bracket is 15 games
Bishop's Bracket is 15 games

So, you get it done with 36 games on Night 2.

Any questions?
Its a good thing I have Jose on ignore. I'm sure his idea is too complicated and probably sucks. Go ahead.....defend him....just don't gang up on me.

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It's coming together :)

We are down to 14 teams. the first night went average around 2.5 mins a game. We will have 3 min games and 2 min breaks. So in 4 hours on 2 courts we can do a round robin the first night.
Holy Jesus H. Christ thats nasty How did the other guy not break his knee knocking him out. This is why people wear headgear. Maybe refs should wear them too.
Those minute details will figure themselves out Moosie. What you need to concern yourself with is winning the tournament. For that, I suggest you find yourself a ringer. And, if you want the truth, I'll have to say I'm about as good as dodgeballers get. :D
My team actully won....

I even have the trophy I bought myself to prove it :p

Funny thing is we jsut started it up again a couple weeks ago. I don't think we'll win this time. Too many good teams. We'll give it heck though !!

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