Kenetrek Boots

TC Hawken


Jul 19, 2009
Hey all I was curious if any body has had any good results shooting sabots through a Hawken Muzzleloader? Was finally lucky enough to draw a tag after 8 years of applying for ND and need to some help. Up for any info on bullets or sabots. I believe its a 1:42 barrel twist. Thanks a bunch.
It really depends on the twist rates for the rifling in my experience. My first hawken had a slow test rate and the only thing it shot well was round balls, anything conical seemed to tumble and who knew where it would hit. Can't remember what the twist rates were though.
I tried some sabots probably 15 or 16 years ago out of my Hawken with very poor success. Mine is a 54 caliber with 1:48 twist. I think the problem was the plastic sabot cup and the crappy 45 cal bullets. I'm certain there is a major improvement in sabots since then.

I did have some luck with Hornady Buffalo bullets and plain powerbelt bullets but my rifle seemed to work best with roundball over 90 grains of FFg Goex.
I've got a CVA Hawken .50, 1:48 twist. Never tried sabots, but it shoots Hornady Great Plains, Hornady FPB, and the heavier Powerbelts just fine. Also patched roundball of course.
As others have mentioned....My Renegade shoots lights out with 370 grain Maxi's and 385 Great Plains.
My TC Hawken shoots Hornady XTP well - I believe they are 240 grain and in a green sabot.
The T/C Hawken is a 1 in 48" twist. This is a compromise between a slower round ball twist (1 in 66" to 1 in 72") and a conical twist (1 in 24" to 1 in 32" twist). In reality, it's not great for either. Some T/C Hawkens shoot round balls well and some shoot conicals and sabots well, rarely do you find one that shoots both well. The shorter to medium length for caliber size conicals and sabots will generally shoot better than the longer, heavier bullets in the 1 in 48" rifled Hawkens. Hope this helps.
PC pro hunter

I can hit pie plates all day with my TC 50 cal Pro Hunter at 200 yards with a 1x dot scope and sabots. My TC 54 cal Hawkin I shoot around 75 yards max with round balls. There is no comparison!
Ok thank you guys I'll give conicals a shot and see what I come up with. Now if it would quit raining I could go shoot at some paper.
I shoot the 50 caliber 370 grain Maxi Ball. 80 grains Goex 2f with TC bore butter lube. Took a 5 point Whitetail at 135 yards with that load a few years back. It just plain works good.
Hornady Great Plains bullets are bore size conical lead bullets around 385 grains.
My TC New Englander and both of my TC Hawkens (1) blue with brass trim and (1) stainless "Silver Elite" Hawken like them over 90 grains of black powder.
Parker Productions make some beautiful cast bullets with felt wads under them in the 440 grain range and they shoot well.
The ...Omega shoots Blackhorn 209 with 240 XTP and the Pyrodex pellets were recently donated.