Caribou Gear

TC Black Diamond


Jul 12, 2010
I'll be trying to get an elk with my TC Black Diamond this November since I failed with my bow in N. Idaho. Does anyone else still use one of these inlines and what combination of bullet and powder do you have the best performance with. I cant seem to get any consistency with a Powerbelt and Pyrodex. We have to use all lead and no loose powder in Idaho, also open sights.
Triple 7 smokeless pellets with TC 210 grain XTP's if you can still find them. I've tried a lot of other combos and my Black Diamond seems to favor this one.
You can't use loose powder? Don't you mean you have to use loose powder?

Do Powerbelts qualify as all lead? The XTP doesn't qualify either.
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I just looked up the laws. You need to use loose powder and an all lead bullet. No Powerbelts or sabots. All lead like a maxiball or patched round ball. They consider it a primitive season.
I screwed that up, no pellets, only loose powder. Projectiles must be within .010 inch of the bore diameter. i think the lead Powerbelts that arent jacketed are permitted, at least that is what they told me at Sportsmans Warehouse. Still dont get good groups with them.
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Belted lead bullets ARE legal in Idaho, so a lead Powerbelt is fine (they are made in Idaho too, so they should have a compliant bullet). When I last used my TC Black Diamond, I used the TC Maxi Hunters or Maxi Balls, they seemed to shoot fine, and they are lubed with the bore butter, so they shot cleaner than other options I found.
I've been experimenting with LEE Real (Rifling Engaged at Loading) bullets in my inline because powerbelts shoot just ok. The Lee bullets pattern well (1.5" groups give or take) with nitro card over 110 grains BlackHorn. They are a royal nightmare to get started down the barrel of my rifle...I think they are a touch too big.

Powder wise I'd go with whatever you can to make it go boom. Since Blackhorn isn't going to work due to legalities of ignition I'd probably go toward real black powder

Would something like the Federal muzzleloader bullet be legal?
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Dave go with Goex 2f or Old Eynsford 2f and the Maxi Ball pure lead bullet. It weigh's 370 grains and will give you good penetration. I've used this combo on several Whitetail bucks and never recovered the bullet. Kind of like the energizer bunny it just kept on going ;)

I'll be trying those maxi balls. I have about a month before the first day of the season. Thanks for all the tips.
I used the 320 grain Maxi Balls with 110 grains of Pyrodex and put 3 of them in a 3 inch group at 75 yards today. I feel pretty good about that with open sights, a far sight better than what I was getting with those Powerbelts. Thanks for all of the help folks.
Powerbelts for elk... BOOO!
Just my opinion... I love the more primitive rules on the smokepole. Since you are in Idaho, shop local... Bob Parker at Parker Productions is a great guy who makes a deadly bore sized conical called the Parker Hydra-con.
Check out their website. I have witnessed a few bull kills with this bullet and will never stuff anything else down my barrel... unless I’m in a state that allows sabots.
Also try out the triple seven.. cleans easier than pyrodex and i would start with 90 grains and play around up to 110-or 120 noting accuracy and recoil.
At the top of my game I can group theses bullets about as big as my fist at 100 yards with iron sights.
Good luck
Oops. As I read the regs, and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, inlines firing on primers are not legal. Percussion caps are the most modern you can shoot.

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