Taxidermy/Bear Rug Help

Jim G

New member
Mar 28, 2006
I shot my bear a month ago. I took it to a buddy of mine who finished skinning the head and paws, fleshed, and salted it. Yesterday I took it to Moyles tannery in Burley to get their taxidermy tan. I won't get it back from them for 3-6 months.

My question is this, Does anyone have a good taxidermist they would recommend that would make a rug for me and what do you think it would cost?

The taxidermists I have talked to so far have said they would do it for their regular cost ($800) minus the $150 that the tanning is going to cost. I was hoping that doing a little extra work of taking the hide to the tannery and such would save me some money but maybe not.

Any input or advise would be appreciated, Thanks.
How big of a bear is it? Nose to tail measurement? Most places I know want $150ft on a nose to tail measurement for a rug, thats including tanning. So if you got a 6' bear, then the deal your talking about seems to be a good one, if you got a 5' bear your getting over charged some. If your in between those two lengths, the price is probably just about right.
First off I hate to tell you but I would not have took your hide to them for tanning. I got a shipment back from them (first with them and last) out of 15 African hides 12 of them had no hair on them. Cost me a lot of money. Next thing is tell them to take more off there price because you did the hard part by fleshing and turning everything that would have been part of their job. I hope everything turns out for you. If you cant find someone to treat you right let me know I will do it for you..
Try this guy 208-745-7489 Name is Travis. Tell him Shane Raber sent you .
He has not done a lot but does fair work I will be letting him do my next one.
You can get a life size from him for basicaly Rug price for most and he has good turnaround time.
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