Tariffs and Potential Inflation

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Vikingsguy, did you vote for Harris?
Willing to post commentary, always good to know where one stands.
That taboo-ish for many?
Disdain and panic from those who voted Harris or stayed at home. Not sure I am hearing much remorse from trump voters. Nor would I expect any - they knew exactly what they were voting for and he is giving it to them.
I don’t have much faith in the average American.

Let's get back on track.

Tariff's can be easier/faster to implement than strong policy, but can they achieve their desired outcome? Or are they best used as leverage?

Should we be more focused in good policies to incentivize key strategic industries to shore up manufacturing/supply chains. IMO, the Chips Act is a damn good start, that can be refined and improved. A combination of loan guarantees and tax incentives can be powerful incubators to work towards a space, where it seems we all agree, we need to be.
Vikingsguy, did you vote for Harris?
Willing to post commentary, always good to know where one stands.
That taboo-ish for many?
I have said before that I have been a lifelong fan of Teddy R and Ronald R, but since 2015 have been displaced from the GOP I knew, as I distrust populism (from the left or the right). I am now an independent that seeks the rational high character moderate middle - easy to find in everyday life, but hard to find on a ballot these days.
I have said before that I have been a lifelong fan of Teddy R and Ronald R, but since 2015 have been displaced from the GOP I knew, as I distrust populism (from the left or the right). I am now an independent that seeks the rational high character moderate middle - easy to find in everyday life, but hard to find on a ballot these days.
Answered that just like a politician yourself. That's in jest btw. Nobody's business who someone votes for imo.
I have said before that I have been a lifelong fan of Teddy R and Ronald R, but since 2015 have been displaced from the GOP I knew, as I distrust populism (from the left or the right). I am now an independent that seeks the rational high character moderate middle - easy to find in everyday life, but hard to find on a ballot these days.
Curious though... seems we are in the same boat. I AM 100% Independent and have always made my votes known both liberal and conservative.
I am not interested "de-funding the police", loose borders, etc.
I did NOT vote for Trump nor Clinton. First time write in.
I did vote for Trump this election as I am far from the Harris setting.
As frequently mentioned and discussed, I vote Dem Governors, Dem Senator, etc w/o entering State representatives that are both R and D.

I am 100% alongside @Bonasababy for a third party and the more extreme the R and D fringe players take us, then more weight / value for third party momentum builds.

Just need some heavy $ to push a third party.
Tie back into tariffs:

Trump's mouth is his handicap and my serious distaste for the guy. That said, he set the tone that democrats followed for tariffs.

While Democrat big cats, liberal media, and their blind sheep focuse on - 60%!!! Tariffs on China???

Let's focus on this drama play:

Biden's increase on Trump's original tariffs, far exceeds 60%!

Shhh... Dem leadership wants that to remain a secret just keep pushing a theme that 60%!!!??? Holy chit!

For those that do NOT know and for those who continue falsehoods (or intentional HT post misrepresentation):

Tariffs are plural for a reason.

There is no single Chinese Tariff.

This can be a simple 1-10% on items we are challenged with or need to keep U.S. products viable for fair competition, most every portion of this trade war is national security. Many reasons for increasing / countering tariffs.
Nobody's business who someone votes for imo
Fair enough. To each his / her own. They don't want to answer, that's their decision or as VG responded in his corporate litigation lingo. 😂

Taboo for some, open book for others.
Tie back into tariffs:

Trump's mouth is his handicap and my serious distaste for the guy. That said, he set the tone that democrats followed for tariffs.

While Democrat big cats, liberal media, and their blind sheep focuse on - 60%!!! Tariffs on China???

Let's focus on this drama play:

Biden's increase on Trump's original tariffs, far exceeds 60%!

Shhh... Dem leadership wants that to remain a secret just keep pushing a theme that 60%!!!??? Holy chit!

For those that do NOT know and for those who continue falsehoods (or intentional HT post misrepresentation):

Tariffs are plural for a reason.

There is no single Chinese Tariff.

This can be a simple 1-10% on items we are challenged with or need to keep U.S. products viable for fair competition, most every portion of this trade war is national security. Many reasons for increasing / countering tariffs.

What's the falsehood here Sytes? His direct words to Bartiromo were "maybe it's going to be more than that" when asked about 60% tariffs. You thinking folks are just too hung up on that and it's unlikely that he'll implement many 60% tariffs?
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