Tariff history

Double doubles will tack on the poundage!
I've tamed it down to a black w/1 cream while stationed in Canada. Tim's is a fantastic relief from Star$uck's overpriced drip.

Talk about the lineage... China, who'da thunk!

I'll trade someone some egg's for lil debbie creampies.
Double doubles will tack on the poundage!
I've tamed it down to a black w/1 cream while stationed in Canada. Tim's is a fantastic relief from Star$uck's overpriced drip.
I can't do $carBuck$...$5-$6 cup of coffee that tastes like there's a burnt acorn in the bottom of the cup. Timmy's is ok if it hasn't been on the burner overnight. The daughter is a fan of the double-double, a touch too sweet for my jaded taste buds.
I can't do $carBuck$...$5-$6 cup of coffee that tastes like there's a burnt acorn in the bottom of the cup. Timmy's is ok if it hasn't been on the burner overnight. The daughter is a fan of the double-double, a touch too sweet for my jaded taste buds.
I rarely buy Starbucks but I do enjoy burnt coffee. I drink coffee from my kitchen 98% of the time.
i can tell you where every Tim Horton’s is on the Trans- Canada Highway between Montreal and central Saskatchewan !! Great coffee and breakfast snacks. I’m a frequent visitor to some in upstate NY ! If Timmy’s came to my hometown… DD would be out of business !!!
i can tell you where every Tim Horton’s is on the Trans- Canada Highway between Montreal and central Saskatchewan !! Great coffee and breakfast snacks. I’m a frequent visitor to some in upstate NY ! If Timmy’s came to my hometown… DD would be out of business !!!

Tim Horton's is a shadow of what it once was, ever since they got bought out by a Brazilian company. Food took a nosedive. I've never been a coffee drinker so can't comment on that.
Timmies used to be legit, good food, good coffee, affordable and a true Canadian success story. Every road trip, hockey game, outting, etc, began with Timmies. A true Canadian stapple and they even had a deployable unit in Afghanistan which brought a taste of home for the short time I was in Kandahar.

Then it was sold to Burger King and everything went to crap. They even sell f'ing pizza now?!?!?! What the actual f@ck? Tim's is 100% pig swill and I will only buy it when no other alternatives are around. A lot of Canadians have turned to Mickey D's or other alternatives.
Tim Horton's is a shadow of what it once was, ever since they got bought out by a Brazilian company. Food took a nosedive. I've never been a coffee drinker so can't comment on that.

That breakfast sausage farmer's wrap is a good way to unclog yer pipes though!
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