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Tara is in labor


New member
Apr 2, 2002
Labor pains have started, :eek: 12 min apart. Might be awhile

will check back later and give an update. :D
on our way to Moms and then to hospital.
Good luck, asnd be prepaird to be called everyname in the book and some you never heard of.

Also keep your private parts well away from her during labor, and watch her with all sharp instruments ;)
Good Luck, Michael & Tara, Tomorrow my best friend's wife is going to be induced. We will be spending are day in hospital as well with a new bundle of joy. Best wishes to you, Tara and your new little one, Good Luck, JLG.
Michael and Tara already have an adorable little girl.

Best wishes to the both of you!

Word of advice from experience...if you brought her flowers for the first one, don't forget to bring some for the second. We get kind of psycho sentimental and emotional when we are having the babies. :D
if she is still in labor he id dead

if he logs in and she finds out he is dead.

Chances are he is getting his ribs bandaged up ;)

so what is it a boy or girl or one of each?

No baby yet, got to moms and the contractions had stopped! :mad: This baby is going to be stubborn! Have a doctors appointment tomarrow and hopefully they will tell us to go to the hospital and they will start the labor! :confused: Sorry it has taken awhile to let everyone know the progress, but will keep you informed better from now on! :D
Hang in there and Congratulations! No greater miracle than watching your child come into the world!!!

Take care and good luck!!!
doctor said I am still dialated to a two, and if I haven't had him by the 10th they would induce me that day unless they have a cancelation before then. Hopefully I go on my own before then!! :(
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