Tanglefoot's Lion Pictures.......

Tanglefoot and Rthrbhntng,

Thanks for the kind words, I enjoyed myself as much as you did! If it's ok with you Tanglefoot, I'm not going to tell Dad the nice stuff you said.....it would just give him a big head and he's hard enough to take now! By the way, I didn't know you as "Tanglefoot" while you were here. Did ya come up with that after your 2 days on sidehills with deep snow on snowshoes?! Mr. Moosie just told me about this site a couple days ago and it's great. I've already run into 3 good friends. So if you'll excuse me I've got some catching up to do!

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting
Been busier than a cat covering you know what. Just checked my mail for the first time in over a month and got the pics your dad took , Thanks.
Glad to see the rest of your season went well. You got Boomer in shape to pick up the slack for next year? I'll bet he's put on 50 lbs. since I saw him last. I have those pics we took the next day and thought I sent them to you but will send them again.Congrats on the upcoming little one, and I am glad to hear it is not a puppy. ha ha.
The name Tanglefoot came from my gramps, I guess I was a stumble bum since birth. That little jaunt you and your dad took me on just proved it. Take care. TF
Bigshot-Just bringing it to the top so the fish and game can find it easier. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
Hey bcat,

That's funny the way you changed "Buckshot" to "Bigshot". Good one! You crack me up.

If it's all the same to you I'll respond to the personal message you sent me and the attack on this subject from the female thread here. Since I first saw this thread about a week ago the photos have been broken links so I guess if little squares with x's in them are incriminating, they'd better lock me up! I'll respond as if I could actually see the photos though just to make it interesting and to hopefully get all those wardens off my tail that you've unleashed on me.

You've obviously somehow come to the conclusion that the lion was killed using a light after legal shooting hours. I doubt if I'll change your mind on this, but the fact is it was shot with no artificial light during legal hours. Granted, it was cutting it close but there was nothing even slightly illegal about it. The picture of the lion in the tree was taken by my camera with a 300mm zoom and a flash. We took pictures on the ground with my dad's camera but I don't think I'd sent them to Tanglefoot at the time he posted his pictures so I assume none of those were posted here. By the time we took those it was pretty darn dark. Tanglefoot had two cameras, a digital and a regular, and both had dead batteries at the tree. He replaced them and took more pictures the next morning.

Irregardless of your detective skills, accusing someone of illegal activities (especially an outfitter) on a public forum based on a couple of pictures is blatant slander. I know you want to drag my name through the mud because I questioned some of your statements on another thread, but you're barking up the wrong tree here.

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting
I think as a matter of fact Bigshot, the game and fish probably already got the copy before it got X-ed out!! Didnt accuse ya of nothing on the open forum and the private mail I sent just told ya it looked a little fishy. Ya forget I have been in the business of hunting lions for a long time, and that I have also been to a tree or two after dark, and have taken pictures both ways, with a camera and flash and with a flashlight. I didnt however go ahead and kill the lions treed that way, and I think the pictures show plenty of evidence and now that they are missing mysteriously, HMMMMMM Guess that might show a tad bit of guilt too. Its outfitters syndrome pure and simple. I welcomed ya to the forum, and then two days later find where you are running me in the mud. Only works for those that would choose to believe you, and not for the ones that know me so it dont make me a damn bit of difference. I hope you get your arse busted but good , if in fact it is true!!!!! I am not accusing ya, it just looks a bit suspicious and now that the pics are gone it looks a whole lot suspicious. Lawbreakers have no business in business as far as I am concerned. Its your story tell it however ya want!!

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
I like these kind of debates.

The pictures were on geocities and for some reason they have decided to cut the link to them, along with icons too. I don't know why.
They did mysteriously dissappear, but at the hands of geocities.

Sorry for the confusion .
I have been siting back reading all the post and soaking it all in.I believe you cast the first stone here with your small comment about time of night being legal to shoot.
I think if you live in a glass house you shouldn't through stones.I have read your post about running down Coyotes with a snow sled and sooting them from a snow slead.You say its legle.I call B.S. That is harassment of a game animal and I don't thing its legle to do anywhere.If so can you hunt lion deer elk or any other game the same way????????????????
Also Bcat
I guide bear hunters and our kill time is 1/2 hr. after sun set.I am usualy piking up my hunters 1/4 hr. after sun set and need a light to get to them.I have also walked into hunter's before and light up bear at the bait with 15 minuts of leagle hunting time left.The hunter's new they where their but diden't have light to see there sights.
Tobey-FOr your information it is legal in wyoming to run coyotes, and coyotes are a whole lot different than cats. You could never wipe out all the coyotes in the country, it has been tried!!! If it is illegal, I am sure many people I know would have been in trouble for it including me. It has been done forever, and I am sure if it were illegal something would have been done about it 40 years ago. In my opinion Coyotes are like prairie dogs and I am sure the game dept feels the same way. No licence is required for jackrabbits, coyotes and prairie dogs as they ar considered varmits and not game animals. Ethical or notit is legal so thats the scoop. I did not attack Buckshot first. I asked Tangle foot if they had shooing hours in Idaho, because the whole thing looked a bit fishy. And Chambo the pictures were there two days ago on my screen, when Bigshot made his first few posts. Either way, they are gone now, and if he is innocent, then why is he puting up such a fuss. Ya shpuldnt have involved yourself in this Tobey, as it drags ya down with the others. There have been people busted right here in the valley for shooting lions in the dark with the aid of artificial light, IT IS ILLEGAL!!!!! In most states anyway. Wanna have some real fun Tobey, come out and run some coyotes down with a machine!!!
Jion the other thirty or fourty people here where I come from in the fun. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


Boykin's Hunting Homepage
Well ,I called the WY fish and game to ask about running down coyote's with a snow machine. They laughed because they werent sure I was serious.They said it is legal BUT unethical and they hoped no one was really doing this. Not something they like,and by an outfitter? I also called Idaho fish and game and it is NOT legal here to run them down with snow machines.They call it harrasment.You might all call your own fish and game dept. to find out there stand on this and get it changed if you dont like there the law's how they are. I find Idaho's law on this to be a good one.


As I said, I never saw the photos posted by Chambo for Tanglefoot, but I assume the picture that is causing you so much concern is this one. The best I can recall it is the only picture in the tree that we took.


How you were able to see the pictures two days ago is a mystery to me, I'm pretty sure it's just more of your BS. You've clearly shown a few times that you're more than willing to put a serious stretch on the truth if it suits your purposes.

Here's what you need to do Sherlock, before you start flinging any more accusations around. On a moonless night with heavy cloud cover you need to get a camera with a cheap 300mm zoom lens loaded with 200 speed film into heavy timber with no sky in the background and take a picture up into a tree 25 minutes after sunset using only the built-in flash on the camera. Next, trot yourself down to your local Wal-mart and get your film developed. If the result doesn't look an awful lot like the picture I posted above, I stand corrected.

You'll notice how the light in the picture (yes, there isn't much of it) is fairly evenly distributed throughout the whole thing. Here's what a flashlight picture looks like:


Notice how the light is yellowish and concentrated? That's what a flashlight does. Incidentally, this is a dark picture too. It was taken in the morning, approximately 1/2 hour after legal shooting light started (which would be about sunrise). We released dogs at the start of legal light, had a short chase, and this was the result.

Do you read what you write before you post it? I think if you tried that you wouldn't say things like, "...if he is innocent, then why is he puting up such a fuss." You're telling me that if someone posted blatant lies about you on a public forum you wouldn't comment? I'm not trying to change your mind bcat, because I couldn't care less what you think, but I do feel obligated to clear my name.

It sounds like you're rescinding your welcome. Golly, that hurts. But I'm not surprised, you've made it pretty clear that anyone that doesn't agree with "The World According to Bcat" is not welcome on this forum.

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting
Buckshot, I have a picture of a bear we took two years ago.It is in the tree and was taken 30 minutes after legal shooting Time had STARTED. About 7am or so.It looks about your picture only worse !!! All you can see is the bears eyes glowing. I have had many people say it must have been taken in the dark but I and the 4 other guys there will swear it was way into legal time.I dont see how bcat can say it was an illegal kill without being there.Sounds a little like jealously to me.Maybe we all should lighten up a bit and give credit where it is due.
Hey Tobey, now that you have done the unthinkable and said something bcat doesnt like ,I just wanted to welcome you to the club.LOL It really isnt so bad being drug down with the other's
When you come to think about it this group is growing by leaps and bound's. Happy to know all of you tough son of a gun's

Bigshot outfitter-You can see the light of day behind the bobcat. Flashlight or not. i dont care one way or the other Bigshot whether ya killed it in the day or night. Mule****4whoever-Here ya go sticking your nose into someone elses argueemnt again. You have dug your own hole Bigshot, I didnt do it for ya. It will all come out in the wash this topic is going to the pig pen. Done arguing with ya all crybabys!!!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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