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Talk me out of a motorcycle.

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
I grew up on motorcycles. Both dirt and road bikes.

Now with gas prices going through the roof, I can pass that off as rationale to pick up a thumper. I've always liked the enduro's. Looking seriously at the Suzuki DRZ-S 400. Took one for a test drive and it seems to be a good balance of being able to handle any legal road speed and still not be a heavy pig on the trails.

I recognize this would merely be a toy, a want, nothing near a need.

Typical riding would be a 24 mile round trip commute to/from work, and trail riding. Deer encounters are one my primary concerns as they're lousy thick here and it'd be a poor lesson in physics if I hit one.....

Wife is freaking out that I'll be dead soon. So tell me your worst story, reason me into deciding against a motorcyle.

I could use the $ for a hunting trip instead I suppose.....
LATEST NEWS: One dead in two-motorcycle Port Republic accident
By EMILY PREVITI, Staff Writer, 609-272-7221
Published: Friday, June 27, 2008

PORT REPUBLIC - One victim in a late night motorcycle accident has died, according to a report released Friday morning by state police.
Thomas E. Hartley IV, 31, was pronounced dead 11:54 p.m. Thursday at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Atlantic City Campus after suffering massive head trauma, according to a statement from state police issued Friday morning.

Hartley, of Tuckerton, had been traveling north on Route 9 alongside David R. Rutter, 59, of West Creek, when their bikes skidded off the road for an unknown reason north of the Nacote Creek bridge around 10 p.m., ejecting both drivers, police said.

Both men were flown to AtlantiCare’s city campus. Rutter's leg and hand were severed and his lung collapsed. He remained hospitalized in critical condition early Friday morning, police said.

State Police Det. John Villamil said investigators are not yet sure how fast the men were travelling, where they had been prior to the accident, or whether drugs or alcohol was a factor.

The fella that died was my next door neighbor, one helluva great guy and father, also the president (or Sachem) of our Lodge. Tommy left two great kids 4 & 7

David is a good customer, and friend of the store, recently retired from AC Power & Light, very active hunting and fishing, went to the gym every day. He has been in a coma since the accident on June 27. He as all of us has lost a good friend in Tom, but also his left leg above the knee and 3 fingers on his right hand No one knows why they crashed, were they run off the road? Did a deer jump in front?

T-bone, I'm not one to talk you out of a Bike. Thats your Wife's Job. 24 miles to work I know isn't goingto Put a dent in your Wallet. If you add up the cost of The difference in gas and then the cost of the bike, Insurance, registration, etc. you're not ahead of the game.... but you will have a Mid life crisis ride I guess. You lost your hair at age 20 so I know you aren't goni gthrough a mid life crisis.... Or is the Crotch rocket compensation for something thats not running as "fast" anymore ?

I saw a guy come off the conector overpass and hit the rail and landed on the road below. I'm not sure the story, but even with a Helmet a crash does a number on ya.

Good luck in your decision. But don't lie to us and tell us it's for Gas. If it "REALLY" saves you coin, Show us the numbers for it so I can prove you wrong................

when you get one and Die, tell Jen she can live with us, I need another hot wife ;)

The math works if the bike gets 146.8 miles per gallon. Which it may with a good tail wind.
My brother was riding to work one morning when an oncoming car didn't see him because of the rising sun and turned in front of him. He landed 146 feet from the impact, with a broken right femur (plate inserted to fix), broken left tibia and fibula (plate inserted), broken right radius (forearm bone), cracked pelvis, broken right collar bone, and torn aorta. They said that less than 10% that tear their aorta make it to the emergency room. I'll post pics of the bike if I can find them.

My wife told me yesterday that she wants to get one for her commute, too. :rolleyes:
bikes scare me because of the other drivers not seeing you. I do not ride them as much as others may think. I ride them a handfull of times a year to keep my riding skills sharp for when I have to ride them for work reasons.
Had a brother in-law I was real close with killed on one when I was a teenager and it kind of stuck with me.
After all those remarks from the above posters , forget the bike and think SHEEP . Bikes are fun but memories from a hunt are forever :)
I lost two neighbors and had a third get his leg crushed on bikes. This all happen when I was growing up, maybe 8/9 thru early teens.
I love watching American Chopper, but I dont' ever get the urge to own a bike myself. The families of the men killed carried a heavy burden in their hearts for years.
I am sure they are a blast, but they don't leave you an out when something bad happens. Just enjoy your wife and live along time and watch your kids grow up. In reading your posts thru the years your a great husband and father, just make sure you are there for them, Take Care, JLG. make that all, of my doctor friends call them murdercycles. I ride as safely as possible & have been fortunate not to be hit by cage drivers that simply don't see or are not looking for a bike. Tyson, your're smart to have trepidations about getting one.
My brother and father both ride. My father-in-law also. I love to ride but would not own my own bike now (have had two motorcycles in the past). My cousins lost their Grandpa in a crash. Guy at work lost his Dad three weeks ago in a crash.

With a wife and two sons, it's way too much risk in my opinion. Just my thoughts.
I've been riding a scooter for the past 2 months, saves me right at 100 bucks a week, besides saving the extra miles on my pickup, at the rate I am going 5 months on the scooter will pay itself off in the offset on gas. 80 mpg, pretty tough to beat.
A motorcycle in the Black Hills, get real.;)

I don't think a bike is a bad idea, but doubt I would go with an endero for interstate driving...and I don't want to see you tearing up the trails in the Hills.;)

Small used car will get you back and forth from work 12 months out of the year instead of 6 with the bike.:D
The math works if the bike gets 146.8 miles per gallon. Which it may with a good tail wind.

You'll get better mileage if ya get a pedal bike. Or push the Harley most of the time.
I've seen alot of pictures after a Crash. No need to embelish on that. So I figured I'd show you one jsut before a crash :D :D

Thanks for the replies. None of it bad advice or reasoning IMO.

I'm in no hurry on this, and I prefer to take my time. I think I'll postpone until after the Alaska trip to see how much coinage I have remaining after unforseen expenses, taxidermy, grizzly tag, etc.
I can't bring myself to talk you out of it. I wish I still had mine!
Good luck with the decision T.
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