Caribou Gear

Taking a back up rifle?

Just needed a backup last week when the sling came apart on my sons rifle. Lots of sand and unsure of the rifle zero. One hour later he put down a nice antelope with my Browning 1885 7mm mag. Saved the day for sure
I’ve always had a backup rifle, but probably won’t bring one this year. I’m having to seriously trim down what I bring, due to not taking the diesel pickup because of fuel costs. No hunt partners this year either to share costs/load. Operating 850 miles from home in a Subaru Forester poses some challenges!
I’ve always had a backup rifle, but probably won’t bring one this year. I’m having to seriously trim down what I bring, due to not taking the diesel pickup because of fuel costs. No hunt partners this year either to share costs/load. Operating 850 miles from home in a Subaru Forester poses some challenges!
I manage to take my rifle and two shotguns to Montana every fall. My '99 Jimmy has hooks for two clothing racks: one over the back seat and one over the cargo area. With two racks secured to the hooks I can sling the guns up there and still have plenty of space for dogs in the back and me if I need to take a nap during the 25 hr drive. And no one can see the guns up there without getting into the vehicle (and possibly still not notice them). Check it out. Your Suburu may have two sets of hooks. I also have a Tule carrier for the top and recently acquired a hitch cargo carrier. If you decide on a hitch carrier, DO NOT get the fold up variety. I made that mistake. They stick out way too far and excessive leverage can break the hitch. Been there! I had the hinge cut off mine and welded the shaft back together close to the bumper.20201025_134929.jpg
I do take a back-up "rifle" with me, my .300 BLK AR pistol that I leave in the truck. It would not be my first choice, but its really the only other gun I own capable of killing a deer so it serves as a poor insurance policy. I'd feel comfortable using it on deer out to 100 yards or maybe a touch further, but again.... not super ideal.