Ill donate the money I win. I get my money back,take some assholes money and donate the profit to a good cause. Thats an awesome idea. I really doubt these 24hour guys have the nads but if they do count me in on the donation.
I believe that the outcome of this issue is not in question. I've challenged the mode for withdrawl of the bet and concluded that either $$ or concession and apology should be forthcoming. It would appear that nothing more is being said on that forum.
It would appear that the original contenders from that side are alligator mouthed, hummingbird assed welchers. They let their mouthes and thier pride overload their brain and thier pocket book.
I wonder if that could be considered failure to perform on a verbal contract? Let's see, there was an offer tendered and an offer accepted. Yep, that is a verbal contract.
Hey JB, you know how to tell when it's cold outside?? When you see a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets...
What's black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? Doberman.. Rottweiller
What do you have if you have 200 lawyers buried in sand to their necks?? Not enough sand..
Sounds like you guys got this covered and then some.
If the bet is that the ram is leagle in size, and your looking for backers, count me in. I can scrape up a grand.
I just want to see the look on their faces when they have to pay up.
I would suggest that you use someone other than the lawer that is a member on their board, and that the money be held in escrow as he recomended. Cause when it's pay up time, my gess is that somebody is going to be very hard to find.
LOL ! ....funny shit Dan!
Few..I think you took JB too literally. He was just piling on lawyers like many of us have done on here......but I really don't think he meant anything against your family. I think he was more so talking about the invovlment of a lwayer from "their board" as transactor" being questionable...and I would definitely agree. Anyway, Jb can respond better to what he meant than me, but I too am guilty of trashing lawyers from time to time......but I mean the bloodsuckers and not your family memebers that rae lawyers
What a novel idea Moose Man! Donations!.......I will donate all the proceeds I win to the "help send Shitka to sheep judging school" ..and I think we get a tax right off...WIN! WIN!
Moosie and some others tried to bet me some C-notes before I left sheep hunting that I wouldn't get my ram....then he bet's 10k! that it's good after I drag it back down the mountain! how is that for irony!
I know JB wasnt attacking me personally or my family(my inlaws to get technical) and I have plenty of lawyer jokes Ill post a few in the joke section. I just really thought it was going too far when he said "not sure, but isnt there a lawyer on this site also???????if so, the same goes for you too, ya prick!...get a real job you lazy phuck!". I mean there is a difference between trash talking or jokes and flat out demeaning insults and this guy crossed the line. I usually just ignore posts when I can tell the poster is flaming or just plain ignorant and I should have done the same when I read JBs post but I was already pissed and I opened my big mouth. Reading back through it doesnt do much but make me look like just as big of an asshole...