Tajikistan Ibex

Awesome hunt and write up, I am planning a trip for 2026, it will be to one of the "stans" or russia, I haven't picked one yet. Probably head down to the dallas safari show next year and try and talk with some people.
I usually don't share links to my videos. I don't want to be that guy that is pushing my content for views, because that's not the guy I am. A lot of people seemed to really enjoy the thread and story so I thought some of you might like to see the video that goes along with it.

Here is the link for the video if anyone would like to see it.

I usually don't share links to my videos. I don't want to be that guy that is pushing my content for views, because that's not the guy I am. A lot of people seemed to really enjoy the thread and story so I thought some of you might like to see the video that goes along with it.

Here is the link for the video if anyone would like to see it.

Watched it last night!!! Was a cool hunt!!
That's a great hunt, thanks for sharing the write up and the video. I really enjoy both.

I watched the video on Sunday and I try to watch the ads that go with hunting videos because I want to support the people behind the channels I watch. So I watched 2 ads before the video started, both were 2+ minutes long. That's a little long, but it is a 30+ minute video.

Partway through the video, I get another ad. This one is a 40 minute ad about some sort of nutrition secret. I skipped it, I am not going to watch a 40 minute ad in the middle of a 30 minute video.

Then there was another ad, I'm not sure if it was in the middle of your video or if it was at the conclusion of the video, but this ad was 27 minutes long... I skipped that one too.

My point is, you might want to point out to YT that they are doing themselves and you a great disservice by putting such long ads on your content. Not sure if there is anyone at YT you can address this with, but I would have happily watched 6 ads at up to 2 minutes each in recognition of ad revenue making its way to you as the content creator, but I will not watch over an hour of ads, I can't imagine a single person who would.

Like I said, I value your YT channel and I hope you keep doing great hunts and sharing them with us.
That's a great hunt, thanks for sharing the write up and the video. I really enjoy both.

I watched the video on Sunday and I try to watch the ads that go with hunting videos because I want to support the people behind the channels I watch. So I watched 2 ads before the video started, both were 2+ minutes long. That's a little long, but it is a 30+ minute video.

Partway through the video, I get another ad. This one is a 40 minute ad about some sort of nutrition secret. I skipped it, I am not going to watch a 40 minute ad in the middle of a 30 minute video.

Then there was another ad, I'm not sure if it was in the middle of your video or if it was at the conclusion of the video, but this ad was 27 minutes long... I skipped that one too.

My point is, you might want to point out to YT that they are doing themselves and you a great disservice by putting such long ads on your content. Not sure if there is anyone at YT you can address this with, but I would have happily watched 6 ads at up to 2 minutes each in recognition of ad revenue making its way to you as the content creator, but I will not watch over an hour of ads, I can't imagine a single person who would.

Like I said, I value your YT channel and I hope you keep doing great hunts and sharing them with us.
As far as I know I don't have any control over how long the ads are. I can choose if there are pre-roll ads and if they are skippable or non-skippable. I noticed that there seemed to be more in this video too, probably because of the length. I usually try to keep my videos around 20 minutes, but I didn't feel like I could do it with this video.

Feel free to skip the ads. I completely understand. I like making a little extra money off the videos, but I make them because I enjoy it and I know a few other people enjoy them too.
As far as I know I don't have any control over how long the ads are. I can choose if there are pre-roll ads and if they are skippable or non-skippable. I noticed that there seemed to be more in this video too, probably because of the length. I usually try to keep my videos around 20 minutes, but I didn't feel like I could do it with this video.

Feel free to skip the ads. I completely understand. I like making a little extra money off the videos, but I make them because I enjoy it and I know a few other people enjoy them too.
Thanks. I just can't imagine who at YT thinks that advertising plan makes any sense... Its too bad they don't listen to their content providers.

Keep up the good work!
Awesome video and thanks for sharing. I just got back from Kyrgyzstan on an Ibex hunt and had an amazing time.
I have lots of questions because I'm seriously considering this. No rush right now so I'll PM you after you've had a chance to recuperate.

Good that you were able to bring the skull back with you. I just got royally skinned by the shipping company in Africa for eight skulls in a box. Getting those sent here was more than my round trip flight there. A LOT more. Are they sending them first class?
I also got skinned by the freight company. Rex Fowarders at Port Elizabeth. There is little doubt in my mind (actually NO doubt) that the taxidermist (Karoo Taxidermy) facilitated that robbery and got a cut of the action. They dropped it off at Rex without getting a quote. Then I'm stuck paying whatever Rex demanded. Rex charged $1200 to book the shipment and drive it to the airport. Actual air freight was additional $840.
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