T minus 8 days and counting!


New member
Jan 8, 2001
Well about in 8 more days, cat season will open up in a few select units around me, the remaining units open statewide on the 25th of Nov. Been running around busier then a one legged man in a arse kickin contest getting things all tuned up and ready, Rebuilt one snowmobile engine, am rebuilding another, got the cylinders being bored right now. Hopefully between the 2 maybe I can keep one going all winter. I have the worst luck with snowmachines, I usually blow one up about every yr., just my luck. Going into Oregon soon as the elk hunters clear outta the woods, then down to utah first part of dec. for me and Catmans annual cat hunt. Then back to Oregon sometime in Dec., after that I should remain in Idaho for awhile. Anyone else gettin pumped up or is it just me...lol I enjoy bear hunting, like to cougar hunt, but nothing pumps me up more then a jumped bob running laps for a couple hrs and dogs foggin him the whole way.
Hey Gato,
Heck yes I'm pumped. I'll really get pumped when that first good snow hits. LOL on the snowmachines. With my two and your two, hopefully we'll have at least one to hunt with when your here rofl. I want you to know though, you ruined my bear hunting in Utah forever. Heck after the trip with you, I can't wait for our annual bear pursuit...lol
cya man
Well if we smoke some sleds....lol, like last yr. I geuss theres always your dads....lmao He suppose to get a new one we can break in this yr isn't he?....lol I can always pose as a client again...lmao.
Hay Gatto
Bear season ended here yesterday and deer season started today.Cat season don't start till Dec.first.I can't wait to try this Nance breed female from Idaho on cats,If she goes half as good as she did on bear she will be a Corker.Good luck with the cats and try to keep your sled running LOL.
I am like you theres no better time then Bobcat hunting.
Go get him Gatoman!!!Any room for company?? I really want to see a lion this winter somewhere.This is the worst time of the year for me.I could still run bears for another week or 2 but there are a ton of people in the woods right now chasing those silly deer !!!!I am basically done till beginning of Dec.
Tobey, I talked to the guy I got those dogs from in Idaho last night.Thanked him for being honest about the dogs.I am sending him a bunch of pics with the dogs and bears in them. He told me Roxie was a way better cat and lion dog than a bear dog.He said she had never been run on bears until he got her.She was strcitly a cat dog.Between Whiskey,Roxie and Lucy I would say you will definatly have some power !!!!! Dont forget your buddy who you got them from OK?? I am ready to come up starting DEc1.I am not waiting till heavy snow screws us over this year.
I am meeting Tim in Gray tuesday night if you wanted to meet for Whiskey I could drive up a little farther and meet you..If not my buddy is heading to his camp in 2 weeks and she can probably hitch a ride with him to your place.
Whiskey,Roxie,and Lucy.WOW,sounds like a whole bunch of girl power!!LOL That dang Ranger always gets the chicks.ROFL Aint been into the coonin this fall too heavy.Slaughterin and meatcuttin most days to make a little extra cash.Keepin the youngfeller happy birdin and deerin.Cant wait for dec 1st either!Sure know what the Catman and Gato are sayin bout sleds breakin down.Nuthin beats a tundra in my book.LOL LOLYou fellers take care.Hope the Rock starts to improve Dale.
Come on out George anytime for cougar hunt, I aways got room and time. Mainiac, I have rode a tundra for part of a winter, overall I like them, except for them being a 1 lunger 277 cc, next yr I will have my pick-up payed off so it looks like its time for a new sled, am thinking more towards its bigger brother the skandic. Very few trails around here, where ever I hunt at 99% of the time your breaking the trail and the tundra don;t have enough zip sometimes. I know george and tobey has been to my website, not sure if you have seen it yet, drop by and sign the geust book.Snake River Kennel
You may want to consider a powder sled for hound doggin' Gatoman. Several houndsman around here in northern Utah have tried the Tundras but most have abandon them because they are hard on engines. One local houndsman has even gone as far as mounting a hitch on a modified hill climber for pulling a dog sled. A geared down powder sled can get around better than a tundra with power to spare. The drawbacks are that they are a lot heavier when you do get them stuck and plan on rebuilding your clutch every 1,000 miles.

Bobcat season is still 3 weeks away and I've already have my gear laid out.
Problem with those bigger machines though, when you get stuck your stuck...I really like reverse feature, just before you power down you can back out without getting in trouble. To tell the truth if I could find a couple nice elans I would rather have them over a brand new powder sled. You get stuck in those you just pick them up and throw them outta the whole...I like to hunt cat not spend the entire day diggin yourself out, then once you do get out your about physically spent if you had to do it on your own. I just got a yamaha 400 enticer longtrack with reverse so we will see how that does this winter.
I bought a Yamaha Bravo last year and it went real good.Not much for breaking trials with the short track though.Like the Elan when you do get stuck it is easy to just lift out yourself.Also 2 guys can easy throw it in the back of a truck without a snowbank to back up to.Even Tobey and I did that and we are kindy wimpy !!!!
Yeah Man, I'm ready to see that first crisp cat track in the snow. You got me all excited and I actually started to open a little (shut up when I saw the wife reach for the tritronics transmitter though), then you had to go and start talking snowmobiles. My back hurts already......

Nice web-site Gatoman, good-lookin' hounds too.
You guys are getting my blood pumping! I am just getting done with elk hunts, need to try to tree a couple of bear before they go to bed, but can hardly wait until the snow flies! Getting the fat hounds out and roading them right now. Good luck to you guys!
ho you calling WIMPY George I have been known to load a tundra by my self with no snow banks or ramps.I got me a brand new pair of snow shoes ordered for this season.Hope we get enugh snow to try them out on.
They still don't make the perfect sled for hound doggin', in my opinion, there are always trade offs. You'll never hear me argue that powder sleds are light, but they do get around better in the hills. If you're used to a riding a Tundra Gatoman, the dead weight of a stuck Skandic may come as a rude shock. A buddy drove one for several years and they are a load too. He hunts off of a Summit now.

One modification that I have made to my Powder Special to make it easier to get unstuck is a custom rear bumper (I snapped off the stock plastic bumper pulling my dog sled through a ravine so I had no choice). It extends 8" to 10" farther than my old stock bumper used to which not only allows for greater leverage when lifting out the rear end, but more importantly, allows me to get my feet under me so I'm not lifting with my back. It also has bars at three levels so there is always a hand grip at a comfortable height. It may be ugly, but it has paid for itself in chiropractic bills.
man if it don't snow no more this year than it has the last couple, we won't need to worry about gettin stuck :D :D We better get some snow this year. I really liked my Yamaha exciter for huntin, but unfortunately it lost a clutch last winter and wasn't really worth puttin alot of cash into ;) I think it got rode hard and put away wet to many years. But got a decent deal on a couple of Phasers ( they ain't got the power of my exciter, but I hope I can manage through a year or two )But hey man I'm thinkin I wanna kill some kitties....lol
Yeah well I can agree with that, sleds are more of a headach anyways, I just moved to Idaho and theres not alot of places I can go without them, in Oregon, I hardly used a sled, hunted the lower desert elevations, matter fact have;nt taken a sled cat hunting in 2 yrs except last yr when I went down to UT. My buddy bought a 8-wheeler with snowtracks, I don;t know how deep of snow hes had it in yet though,but that could be the ticket for around here, I hunt alot of 4x4 4 wheeler then I do sleds, up to a foot of snow they are the best thing I think where I hunt. I know UT is different heck i stepped of my sled down there last yr and was belly deep, so i know its a necesaity for you.
YUP CM, the hell with the sleds and cathunting....lmao, lets just go hunt the strawberry for coon, I know I can walk the 2 miles to the dam and back.....LOL. Don;t know why I take a sled down there anyways, breaks down right on cue everytime...lol
All this talk about cat huntin and Im ready. Its as dry here as its been in 20 yrs and 80 degrees and windy. I hope some of you guys send me some of your extra snow this winter. We were going to oregon in Dec, but my cat hunting buddy there, died this summer. Also our main lion hunting friend in colo. was killed a couple weeks ago, while here in KS deer hunting. Im ready for some better luck. I gave up ever drawing an Id permit. Nice web site Gato. Bring on winter!! BCA, we going to hunt lion this winter? KW
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