Kenetrek Boots

T Bone's pics of California pig hunt

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
here is the group in traditional California hunting gear. L to R. Tyson,Keith,Dan,Rick,Chopper


Safari wagon

Safari wagon around the ranch

Tim's pig

This is the water hole I sat on during the day. Note fresh mud wallow

Dan's boar that died of cardiac arrest

My boar after taking two 180 grain Interlocks through the vitals. Note: still very much alive!

My boar after taking a .357 158 grain to the head.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-12-2002 13:37: Message edited by: T Bone ]</font>
Great Pictures, Tyson! Although I think you could have gotten closer to that wounded pig on the grass for that picture... :eek: His teeth were only about 2 1/2 inches long, right?
T-bone,,,,,,, You bringing that hog up for the BBQ in 2 weeks ? :D :D

COOL pics.. looks like a Hawaii safari ;)
Great pics T-Bone, for the record I wouldnt have wanted to jump right out there with that hog either. It was kinda eerie the way he kept snapping his jaws like that!! :eek: :eek:
I'm having the hams smoked and will do the rest in italian sausage. Should come away with about 70 pounds of finished product.
Great photos T-bone, thanks !

Hey Elkhunter & Elkchaser, so you didn't belive we hunt in flowery shirts & shorts ?
Too bad Cindy Crawford was out rounding up some hogs for us and couldn't be in the picture !!! :D
Great pictures!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hey Elkhunter & Elkchaser, so you didn't belive we hunt in flowery shirts & shorts ?
Too bad Cindy Crawford was out rounding up some hogs for us and couldn't be in the picture !!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And now you have poisen oak and will never wear short sleeves again for a hunt :D

BTW, It is some cool looking camo ;)
Oh my god, The Beverly Hillbillies Mobile and a Beach Boys Surfer's Woody had a child!!! Dude that's some set of wheels ya got there! :D :D :D
back to the top...a friend wanted to look at the pics.. this was a fun trip. hope to do it again.

T Bone
Cool pics T Bone, what part of California did you get him and how much did it cost to get on the property to hunt them?? We have tons of pigs running around where I live but they are all on private land and you can't get permission to hunt them. :( :(
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