New member
Anaconda with his first pig. A 3 inch 215 pounder.
Here's a picture of the "Safari Wagon"
Not from the hunt talk hunt but the only pic I had of the jeep.
Part of the group. The only one missing is T-bone. He was still sitting on the water hole.
Tim's hog after we skinned it.
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-11-2002 20:48: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>

Here's a picture of the "Safari Wagon"
Not from the hunt talk hunt but the only pic I had of the jeep.

Part of the group. The only one missing is T-bone. He was still sitting on the water hole.

Tim's hog after we skinned it.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-11-2002 20:48: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>